A few days ago

looking to major in journalism. can’t decide between two colleges. advice?

i’m looking to pursue a career in journalism, more print than broadcast.

between lock haven university and rowan university,

which would be better for what i’m trying to major in?

i’ve also been thinking that instead of journalism i should major in english. suggestions?

basically, my goal is to eventually work for a well-known magazine company and reach the status of editor.

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
Kirk S

Favorite Answer

Think long and hard about print journalism. These jobs are drying up daily.

4 years ago
In 2010, U.S. information and international checklist ranked Northwestern college in Illinois, form one interior the country between colleges offering journalism courses The college of Notre Dame in Indiana replaced into rated because of the fact the 2d terrific college interior the country, offering a high quality journalism software different impressive Journalism courses: Ohio State college college of Southern California Boston college college of Michigan