A few days ago

College Advice?

I’m currently a junior in high school in Alabama, and I’d like to become a dentist. I want to go to college in New York. Fordham University (NY) has sent me a lot of stuff about visiting and attending there for college. However, my dream is to go to Columbia University. I have confidence in getting a full scholarship to Fordham, so I believe the best thing for me to do, financially, is to go to Fordham for my undergraduate degree and then to Columbia University College for Dental Medicine afterwards for my dental degree, obviously.

I assume that’d be the best route to go, but was wondering if I could get any additional advice/help?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Apply to both. If Fordham admits you and gives you full tuition, then go. Columbia could give you aid, too, so it’s worth it to apply and see what ends up happening. In addition, you don’t know where life will end up taking you. You could change paths, and not do dental, or not do Columbia grad. In addition, the grad school atmosphere is *completely* different from the undergrad experience, at any school. So if Columbia is really right for you, apply and see what happens.

If Fordham may give you a full scholarship, also apply to other schools at that academic level, and see what they have to offer. So if you like Fordham, also look at: Boston College, Boston University, Georgetown, New York University, Rensselaer Polytechnic, and Syracuse. See if any of those appeal, and what they end up offering you, in terms of aid. Also look at Harvard, Princeton, Cornell, and Brown. I think it’s Harvard that’s now promised to meet all student aid needs, and offers merit scholarships again, so maybe worth a look. Lastly, have a close look at the best state university in Alabama. If they are decent, maybe have an honors program, and thus worth a look, and you’re an outstanding student, they may give you a full ride. My state university did this for me (full tuition plus room!), and believe me, I took that deal.

And Fordham’s a good school. If you get in, and they pay for your studies, you’d do well to attend.


A few days ago
If you really want to go to Columbia…GO! Don’t let anything stand in the way of your dream. But if money truly is an issue, you seem to have your head down the right path. Columbia might give you a scholarship, and loans are easy enough to get if you don’t mind paying them off after school. Just test your options with both schools before you make a decision. You still have another year to figure it out, so don’t worry too much!

A few days ago
You seem to have everything well thought out. Honestly, what you get out of your education depends on what you put into it, and you can learn just as much at Fordham as you can at Columbia.

College is becoming more and more expensive, so save your money and complete your undergrad. for free, if you can.