The Benefits Of Mentoring For Older Adults Volunteer Service

Mentoring is a positive reinforcement process that strengthens a relationship between a mentor and a student or younger adult. It is an informal relationship that exist among a mentor, their students, and others who are interested in the same field. It is a beneficial relationship, as it helps to develop responsibility, self-awareness, leadership and adaptability to change. Mentoring can take place at any age, however it is most common at older ages due to social, economic, and educational factors. It provides for positive behavioral change in a person and can be a positive influence on their self-image and confidence level.

  1. There are many senior citizen mentoring relationships that exist, such as in the areas of elder care, healthcare, and rehabilitation.
  2. These relationships provide for the development of mentoring skills in students and young people.

Intergenerational mentoring programs and activity centers set up a close relationship between a senior aged (age 50 and above) and a young person or teen, often in-care youth. These programs can also involve school students or youth who participate in intergenerational activities and assist them in learning computer-based skills.

Some of these activities may include trips to local businesses, the learning of computer skills through hands-on activities, computer games, or basic job skills. Young people may also be encouraged to live and work in a facility designed for older adults, work with other young people on job enrichment projects, and attend classes in life skills or other areas of interest. At the completion of the mentorship program, participants receive a certificate or diploma. Others have the opportunity to enter job positions with the mentee and participate in a management training program.

Promotional materials for seniors include posters, brochures, and booklets.

An intergenerational cooperation could provide some interesting promotional items. One method is to place the name of the senior on business cards. This is especially popular with the older adults. Another idea is to create business cards with the names of the students on them. The students would be interested in receiving these cards and at the end of the prime aims would want to look into what the senior has to offer.

To facilitate the intergenerational and adult retirement process, senior citizens may be encouraged to lead a small independent group. The group can be comprised of the husband or wife of the senior, children of the older adults as well as friends of these older adults. The purpose of such a group is to foster camaraderie, as well-being, happiness, and well-being of all involved. When well-being is the goal, this type of leadership development will help individuals feel at home as well as be more productive at work and in the community. This group will also be a great source of team building experience for the other members.

There are several ways that older adults can serve on a volunteer service program.

Some people might have skills that could be used positively. For example, those who are able to read and write well are likely to be hired as a tutor for students in low-income homes. Reading and writing are considered essential life skills that contribute to cognitive function. Therefore, tutors for students may be needed who have good communication skills, as well-developed problem-solving skills.

As a part of the volunteer service program, older adults could work in the medical field, social services, or any other environment that requires strong interpersonal skills. In doing so, they develop valuable cognitive and communicative skills that will benefit future employers. When considering how to reach out to older adults for volunteer service, consider providing opportunities to gain new skills and enhancing existing ones. 


In conclusion, the benefits of mentoring extend beyond the individuals themselves. Older adults who participate in intergenerational mentoring programs are exposed to a diverse range of activities that they would not otherwise normally engage in. This experience helps them understand new problems and solve new problems. In turn, they gain valuable life skills that will enhance their employment potential and their interaction with others. Finally, participants in these programs also have the opportunity to make valuable connections that could help their own lives as well. Older adults who engage in intergenerational mentoring programs are more likely to obtain employment opportunities, move through life activities more successfully, and mature more quickly than those who do not engage in these activities.

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