A few days ago

University of Miami vs Florida International University?

University of Miami vs Florida International University?

Top 6 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I go to FIU so I may be able to help you out while being objective. UM has a very big price tag on it almost $30,000 a year but grants, scholarships, and loans can help pay for that. FIU is about $3,000 a year while dorms range to about $6000-$8000 a year. UM does have a very good reputation but in more specific areas like football and medicine. FIU is was ranked #7 in the nation for International Business and has one of the best creative writing masters progam in the U.S. Also UM is a very big school one that you kind of get lost in while FIU is smaller easier to get around and to me it feels like you can get into more activities and do more things that way. What I think you should do is visit both campuses check out which programs they offer and see which one better suits your needs in a university. Hope I helped 🙂 Good Luck

4 years ago
University Of Miami Vs

A few days ago
I went to the University of Miami for law school and would not recommend it. It has a great reputation for football and an only average reputation for academics (other than its medical school which is excellent). I found it to be innundated with rich spoiled kids who regarded a membership at a tanning salon was much more important than grades and felt we paid much more for our education than it was worth. For undergrad, I went to a state school (the university of california) and got a MUCH better education for 1/4 of the price and was surrounded by interesting people from many different cultures. My vote: FIU or any public school (don’t rule out Florida State or University of Florida, both of which are a little better than FIU in my opinion) – any public school and defnitely not the University of Miami.

A few days ago
University of Miami. It will be more expensive, but it is more well known…

7 years ago
Miami all the way!

A few days ago
Joscelyn C
One is expensive, one is very cheap. One has a great reputation with a huge alumni network, and the other is too new to have either. One is prestigious, and the other is…again too new.

Graduate with the least amount of debt.