A few days ago

p(-pq)^4 + p^3(2pq^2)^2?

I already know the answer, but could someone please show me the steps to get it.

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago
Zack S

Favorite Answer

You just have to keep the order of operations in mind.

PEMDAS – Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplation/Division, Addition/Subtraction

So here’s your solution:

p(-pq)^4 + p^3(2pq^2)^2 – Original Equation

p(p^4)(q^4) + p^3(4p^2)(q^4) – Simplify the exponents

(p^5)(q^4) + (4p^5)(q^4) – combine Like terms

(5p^5)(q^4) – Distributive Property

Hope that helps!