A few days ago

Older than probably ALL the other undergrads?!?

I am returning to college after being out for 2 years (due to financial reasons ONLY!) I will be 25 when the Fall semester starts & since all my credits didn’t transfer, I’ll still be considered and Sophomore (Undergraduate). I will feel really out of place in class and in the dorms because I’ll be so much older than the other undergraduates. What should I do about this??

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I just graduated with my Bachelors degree and I am 32. Trust me there are much older students then you!

A few days ago
Corey (Go Dubs!)
There are much older students than you, I’m sure you’ll blend right in. Maybe take afternoon and evening classes. There tends to be more “older” people that take these courses. As for the dorms, it might be a little odd at first. See if they have a particular dorm or floor where they house older students. Or maybe apply to be a resident advisor. We had a guy that was 24 in our dorm and he fit in really well.

A few days ago
When I was 19 & pregnant (talk about being out of place), there was a little ole white haired lady walking around campus. I would see her & wonder why she was going to college. One day as I was going down the steps, she was coming up those same steps. I looked at her eyes & I never again wondered why she was going to classes. Her eyes were a beautiful vibrant shade of blue filled, it seemed to me, with the wisdom of the ages. I never again wondered why she was going to school & I have never forgotten her. I learned that you can do with your life what you want to…regardless of your age & the age of others around you.

I am now in my late 60’s & my friends are all young enough to be my daughter…in fact they are the same age as my daughter. We share the same interests & goals…we have fun…we study…we just do things together. They could care less about my age. My spirit is as young as theirs & they accept me as the person I am rather than an image of what they might think I am.

What I’m taking so many words to say is simply this. Be yourself,,,there will be those who will accept the real you. Do not for a second feel out of place…You will be exactly in the right place.

Good luck, Nala

PS Forgot to tell you I went back to school in my early 30’s & got a 2nd degree. Forget age…You, for heaven’s sake, are really very young.


A few days ago
Brandon W
You should get over yourself.

You are there to get an education. Who cares how old you are, or how old other students are? You are there to learn, not close any generation gaps that may exist.


A few days ago
Smile and hold your head high that you are able, willing and ready to God back to school!