A few days ago

is it possible?

I’m going to be in state school, and i wondered if it’s possible to transfer to private or university after 1 year? If yes, how??

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Yes, it is often possible. You need to apply; just look for the application online. And make sure that you look at what the required general education classes are there so that you don’t waste a lot of your time taking classes the first year that are not transferrale.

A few days ago
Of course, this is entirely possible.

Check out the website for the private school you’re interested in and read the sections for prospective students. Many schools also offer information about transfer admissions, and you can always email or call the admissions office if the website doesn’t answer some of your questions. Then you just apply like you would apply to any other college–write essays, receive recommendations, fill out the application, etc–but usually schools have somewhat different requirements for transfer applicants, so make sure you take those into account during the application process.

Good luck!


A few days ago
Yes, it’s possible. People do it all the time.

How? It depends on the requirements of the private school.

You’ll have to contact them and ask a simple question: “What do I need to do to transfer to your school.”