A few days ago

if i work about 30-35 hours a week is it better to go to school part-time of full time.?

i am a junior and i was able to handle it pretty good the last 2 years except last semester when my grades dropped and my gpa was a 2.5. should i just go part time cuz sometimes it seems that their isn’t enough hours in a day

Top 8 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I think you answered your question yourself: “sometimes it seems that their isn’t enough hours in a day” I worked full time, took an overload of classes and squeaked by. My grades were not what they could have been, but I had to keep my bills paid. Do you have to work to survive? Or is the money just for splurges?

A few days ago
la solitudine me
I think you should stop working or work part time. Continue with full time school to pull up your grades. You have to ask yourself if you want to go to grad school? Do you know why you did not do well in the certain courses? Are you having trouble with time management? Does procrastination play a role? You should do your best to pull up the grades. Yes, money is important, but remember you’re also paying to go to school. That’s money too. If you work and earn that money, but the money that goes to tuition brings you bad grades, it’s not good either. Remember if you do go to graduate school, the last 60 credits you take is most important to those admission people who review your application. When you say there seems like there’s not enough time in a day, then it means you’re over stressing yourself and not managing time correctly.

I work part time 10 hours a week, taking 18 credits each semester. I think it is more reasonable this way.


A few days ago
Will B
If you want to get C grades, study one hour per week out of class for every hour in class. For a B study 2, for an A and a good education study 3 hours out of class for every hour in class. Mix that up with a full work schedule, and well, . . you do the math. Part time is way better. Good grades and a good education take time.

A few days ago
Cleo M
I would suggest you ask yourself whether the job your at is something that you would consider your career after college? Because if your spending hours at a place that when you get out don’t even help you in your career field(or you don’t even care to work there after graduation), you might wanna question how many hours your devoting. Think about how long it will take you to graduate by going part-time at school. If you have the extra time and cash to taking it slow then go for it but don’t get stuck in your job and lose sight of your education.

A few days ago
Hmm. I did 32 hours a week last year and I found 1 course to be very easy. I imagine youd be alright with 2.

A few days ago
I’d go part time,like 6 or 9 credit hours.

A few days ago
do part time til u get ur head straight…u dont wanna jump into anything especially when ur second guessing urself. sooo take it slow now, when ur ready, ull pick up the speed..goodluck!

A few days ago
george 2
i tried going to school and work full time. it doesn’t work or sooner or later it catches up to you. i would go to school part time so my grades don’t suffer.