A few days ago
aiya kingu da

How do i get in contact to ppl admitted to a grad university to which i plan to apply?

i want to get in touch with them so tat i cud learn more about the university and a particular program of study

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

One thing you could do is go to the department web page for the program you’re interested in and see if they list the email addresses for the graduate students in the department, and then contact a few. While generally busy, overworked, and underappreciated (or at least that’s the stereotype ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ™‚ ), grad students are people too and would probably be willing to answer a few questions.

Or if you don’t want to talk to them directly, you could email the graduate secretary or whoever’s in charge of graduate admissions, and ask them who they think would be helpful to speak to.


A few days ago
Princetonreview.com It is a good website that prepare post-graduates for testing, admissions information on many schools as well as scholarships, and the best part is, It’s Free!!!