A few days ago

College or Job?

I am debating on whether I should go back to college and take the long route in pursuing a degree and hope that I get a job in the end, or should I muddle through job after mediocre to ok jobs and hope to find one that suits me?

What are people mostly doing these days? I can’t do both, it’ll be so much for me to handle. And I am in my mid years of life. I already have useless undergraduate degree and don’t want to continue in that subject.

Any suggestions?

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I would sit down and make a list of activities that you enjoy. No matter what it is, you can find a career in what you enjoy doing as long as you are willing to relocate (if you need to) to find it. For instance, if you like to hike, maybe look into working for the National Park Service as a Park Ranger, or if you like Photography, look at advertising, if you enjoy playing video games, go to school to learn how to make them, the program is very short and it is a fairly high demand career. I guess my point is, no matter what your hobby or what activity you enjoy, there is a career in that field. Even if all you like doing is watching TV, you can be a critic for a local newspaper.

In my opinion, no one is ever happy until they are enjoying what they do on a daily basis. Many people take on careers because they may make a lot of money or its prestigious, but rarely do people seek employment in something that they truly have a passion for. Sit down, think it out and I am sure you can come up with a very enjoyable career that would require little or no training beyond the degree you already have. Good luck!


A few days ago
What is your undergraduate degree? Depending on what degree it was, you can go for a master’s or PhD in a related area and after graduating you can find a job — but I don’t know what subject it was that you graduated with. But there is one job that can utilize just about any subject out there, and that is being a professor. If you graduate with a PhD in that subject, perhaps you can teach it.

But definitely get an education in a degree that will find you a job. Education is a good investment and will get you a better job. Rather than going from dead-end mediocre job to dead-end mediocre job, you should go for an education and that way FAR MORE options will be available to you.


A few days ago
Anthony l
If I were you I would go back to college because you won’t have a good job with out a college degree I do both I go to school in the day and work at night its very easy to do

A few days ago
There are many benefits to a college education, including a higher lifetime of earnings. According to the US Census Bureau, over an adult’s working life, high school graduates earn an average of $1.2 million; associate’s degree holders earn about $1.6 million; and bachelor’s degree holders earn about $2.1 million. There are also other benefits beyond the purely economic. There is increased personal/professional mobility, improved quality of life for their offspring, better consumer decision making, and more hobbies and leisure activities (Institute for Higher Education Policy, 1998). For a full report got to http://www.ericdigests.org/2003-3/value.htm

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A few days ago
One’s never too old to start learning. You just have to look within you and ask yourself what do you really want to do, what are your interests, what makes you happy and satisfied, and what things you enjoy most doing. Based on that reflection, decide on how to take it further. If you would need to pursue college, then so be it. What matters is you’re enjoying what you are doing. As long as you love what you do, everything else follows and falls into place. And you wouldn’t have to work again 🙂

A few days ago
Christen T
I would go to college. You can do more with a degree than a few meaningless jobs. Good Luck and really decide what would be best for you

A few days ago
If you are looking to get a masters degree, then perhaps you should look into getting degree from an online university and you can work and study at the same time. Also it is important to know your work field in order to see if it is imparative to have a post grad degree.

A few days ago
College. You can never have your diploma taken away from you once you receive it, but once you start working chances are you won’t go back for a long time (if ever).

A few days ago
College! But is expensive, you might want to take a part-time job.

A few days ago
Nick R
College. Though I would strongly suggest trying to find an online college so that you could work and go to school.