A few days ago
Mellie G

What do you do in a life skills class?

The school that I am teaching at is going to start a life skills class and I am the teacher for this new class. It’s a 4th grade class. How do I start? What do I teach?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

LIFE skills…how about how to cross a busy street alone (pressing those buttons on the pole does not automatically make the cars stop)or what to do if a stranger asks you to look for his lost dog…basic self defense (get in guest speaker to educate them)

what do you do if….you get separated from your parents at a crowded mall…how to dial 911 and know the info like how to describe where you are or a phone number…describe someone to the police …what to look for…clothes, hair color …how to be observant….license plate number.

if you are injured and see someone injured and have to act fast…how to stop bleeding from a wound…

..*****.how to survive if a gunman comes into school or takes over the bus…do you have a plan of escape /attack

What to do if something bad happens…a flood/storm/bomb…

What to do if you are lost? in the woods or a big city…where’s north? How to find water? Shelter?

Save money for future. Open a bank account…balance a checkbook…

Cook simple foods… shop smartly with a budget.

How to talk in front of a crowd…speach.

Relationships…how to get along with all people even the disagreeable ones (kill them with kindness)

Say nice things and don’t hurt people’s feelings…Smile

Use manners…how to set the table properly, what fork goes with what during the meal…napkin in your lap…don’t lick the knife at dinner…

how to behave when meeting someone new.

When to Shake hands and how firm a handshake do you give.

Look them in the eye when speaking and really listen to what they say.

All talk of burps, farts , pee, vomit and gross things is not appropriate dinner table topics…

Basicly how to survive in the real world.


A few days ago
EC Expert
In most places Life Skills classes are for fairly low functioning special ed kids. While there is some focus on academics there is an attempt to teach them things like getting dressed, brushing their teeth, cleaning up after themselves, maybe a little cooking etc.. I would think that you would have to be a Special Ed teacher to do this and should have had training for it. Maybe the meaning is different where you are.

A few days ago
my brain hurts
Well at that young I would think the best thing would be to teach them how to deal with other people, like when to say please and thank you, how to deal with a bully, and so forth. You could also teach them about what to do in emergencies, like what to do when there is a fire or when someone is hurt. You may be able to get police, emts, or firefighters to visit the class for little or no cost.