A few days ago

I am a B student..what kind of colleges would accept me???

I am a B student..what kind of colleges would accept me???

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

if u done extracurricular activites and have work expirence that could help you a ton. also a decent SAT score would help. your admission doesnt rely soley on your GPA.

you just have to to do your research like looking up colleges on collegeboard. believe me a B average doesnt mean u cant get into to college. if that were the case all of my friends who are at college now wouldnt have gotten in. most of them had B averages. I have a B average too and according to my guidance counselor at leat 2 of the 4 schools im applying to will definetly take me. Its all about finding a school that is close to your academic credentials. even ones that is a tad bit off a killer essay and extra curriculars can get in


A few days ago
what OTHER activities have you done? volunteering? church groups? scouts?

these are the things that will set you apart from others. you will also likely do better at a state school than a “university of state” school right now.

also, consider going to a community college for a year or two and getting really good grades, then you can get in wherever you want.


A few days ago
You also have to consider what kinda extracurricular kind of things youv’e done… like clubs and leadership stuff