A few days ago

learning disability?

My son is 9, and very smart.

He is great in math,… and doing well in all of his subjects,… except spelling.

No matter how many times he writes it, or spells the word aloud,… he still can not remember it for long.

He can read at an acceptable level,… but fails every spelling test,… any suggestions?

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Spelling is the window into the child’s ability for reading and writing. He is entering into a grade that really begins to push a child’s writing ability as well reading comprehension. Spelling alone is not a solid indication of a learning disability. It can be a sign to watch.

I would watch his written expression. The signs to watch for: If he is having difficulties with putting his thoughts down on the paper, is stopped by his difficulties with spelling, organization of his sentences and paragraphs are poor or not progressing as you feel they should and he becomes increasingly frustrated by writing, I would say you have some red flags.

If you are seeing these red flags, I would suggest that you bring it to the attention to the teacher so she can keep an eye on it. If it continues to be something you are concerned with ask that the Special services evaluate your child for a learning disability.

There is often a misconception that if a child does well in a subject in school he or she cannot have a learning disability. There are many children that struggle with one or more areas.

Some questions to ask yourself:

Does your son make less spelling errors when typing his work?

Does your son have more detailed sentences or stories when dictating to you?

Does anyone else in your family (husband or your immediate family)?

Some helpful tools:

Have a list of frequently misspelled words. You can purchase one from a teacher store or download one from the internet.

Thematic Word Wall

Personal Words that is often misspelled.

Purchase a handheld spell check dictionary for your son. Children’s Oxford Dictionary & Spell Checker


A few days ago
I just wanted to give you my point of view, my IQ is 158 and all my life I have been an avid reader. I can not spell to save, my life, (thank God for spell check). In high school and college,before laptops and the prevalence of computers I carried a small dictionary. If you are truly concerned talk to his teacher and other educational specialist, ie a Neruo-psychologist, they can preform various testing to either confirm or rule out a true L.D.

A few days ago
User Z
Just make him read a lot. You can find nice, interesting books that he might like. Later you might ask him to write the shopping list, a short story for you, or the address on an envelope. As he likes reading and writing he will begin to spell correctly as well.

A few days ago
read to him every day and every night

A few days ago
poor kid. i have bad news, he might be a…

