A few days ago

is it really necessary for kids to have cell phones at school?

Is it a distraction? Do they really need to have them during school hours? I made it through my school years without one, but these days it seems like its as important to have as pencils and paper, is it really necessary?

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A few days ago

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I’ve got almost 18yrs texting triplets! If texting didn’t exist, I don’t know what the 3 of them would do. I’ve still yet to figure out why they don’t just pick up the phone and CALL the person, but that’s just me…

I let my three loveys take their phones to school for 3 reasons:

1- Emergencies

2- bomb threat scares- they had 4 this past year in school and when they have them, they end up coming home either late/early from school

3- after school activities

THATS IT. It’s not to text your friends during school. It’s not to call me while you’re changing for gym to ask me if you can do such and such after school. It’s not to text me during lunch to tell me I put mustard on your sandwich instead of mayo and then get mad at me because I don’t know how to text and don’t put spaces in between my words! makeyourownsandwichnexttime.

My kids’ high school has a no cell phone rule. If they see you using it during school hours (unless theres some kind of emergency), calling, texting whatever, they take it and it goes to the main office. Your parent then has to pick it up and you can only pick it up on Wednesdays. Worse day to get caught is on Wednesday, ’cause you’re not getting it back for a week. No ifs ands or buts.

My son’s gotten his phone taken away about 5 times, one of my daughters about the same, and my other daughter has never gotten it taken away. When it happens they come home in a pissy mood, complaining to me about it and telling me to go talk to the school to get it back. I look at him and go, “What were you texting when you got caught?” and he goes, “I was asking ____ what he/she was doing tonight.”…

… I can see how life threating that was. To find out what this kid was doing tonight before 2:30pm just costed you 4-5 days without your phone.

I’ve heard so many parents say that the rule is unfair, only getting it back on Wednesdays, that they own the phone and pay for it blah blah. But its a simple rule: DONT USE THE PHONE IN SCHOOL AND IT WONT GET TAKEN AWAY. I don’t understand what is so important that it can’t wait until 2:30pm when the school bell rings. Unless you’re dieing or theres some kind of emergency, don’t use it during school.

Simple As That


5 years ago

A few days ago
I am in 6th grade and I just got my phone when school started. I think it is vital unless one of your friends has one. But even then, they could be absent at any time if you need the phone.

It is very important in my case, because I take the bus every day and it has more than once been so late I had to call a parent for a ride. Also, I am home alone for 1 hour every day after school. We do not have a home phone, and I and my parents feel better that I have a phone if I really need it.

I have heard several stories about kids skipping lunch to talk to a friend, sneaking answers through text during class, etc. My school is very serious about this situation. We are allowed to use the phone anytime after school outside, which is good, because I really need it, but if they see ipods, cell phones, games, etc INSIDE the building (even after school), they will immediately confiscate it and take it to the office, whereupon the office locks it in a safe, where it will remain until a parent comes tro retrieve it, which they are usually NOT happy about.


5 years ago
Phone phones usually are not vital!!! Effortless adequate might be. But no longer crucial. Think difficult and try to bear in mind means back. Did you’ve gotten a telephone mobile? Ordinarily now not. Have been they even invented again then? We survived. Our youngsters will live on. It doesn’t matter what your youngsters inform you, the colleges will let them use the place of business cell in the event that they miss the bus. Wait, you might be nonetheless letting your youngsters experience the bus? Isn’t that dangerous too? We survived being a child and not using a phone mobilephone and driving the bus. I am certain our kids will continue to exist too. If my child ever needs a mobile phone, he has to pay the bill that goes with it. We are elevating a bunch of wimps! They are going to in no way grow up and be in charge adults if we preserve up all this nonsense.

A few days ago
Yes & No. It’s stupid to use cell phones in class mostly because teachers are very strict about them and most likely once they take them you won’t get it back in till the end of the year. Although, I can see that students would want them in case of an emergency or if they participated in a after school activity.

A few days ago
Students should be able to have cell phones at school because in need of emergency. Kids can use it as a source for communication to one another. but i do think it can be a distraction in school if they are using it the wrong way. Though schools shoulld really enforce on restricting cell phone use until after school.

A few days ago
Dogna M
Hi, yeah you don’t need your cell phone during school. At my school we say NO CELL PHONES but kids just text and listen to music all the time. It’s good to have one in case you need to call your parents about something but not calling your friends during class. That is a large distraction not just to them but other students.

A few days ago
I don’t believe it’s absolutely necessary. I agree..it’s a distraction if carried on the student during school hours. If they want to carry a cell phone to school, I think it should be kept in their lockers until they are on their own time. They are there to get an education..not chat away or text while they should be paying attention to what’s going on in class. I also don’t believe a kid should have a cell phone unless they have a job and are paying for it on their own. Giving a kid a cell phone and paying for it is not setting a good example on being a responsible adult!

A few days ago
i got my first cell phone when i was 14 my little sister got hers when she was 12…i don’t talk on the phone much in fact i hate it (i’d much rather have a face to face conversation) but in this world i think it is a necessity because of the danger students face…whether it be during..or before/afterschool when i was in high school i used to turn my cell phone off when i was in class and during nutrition and lunch i would turn it off…this is usually when either of my parents would call in case they couldn’t pick me up from school or they were running late..or whatever.. and parents feel more comfortable knowing that their kid can be located so yes i do think it is necessary

A few days ago
I think that cell phones have there place like everything else. I don’t think they belong in the class room, church or meetings. I also do like to see people driving and using a cell phone. Very un-safe. And yes we did get along without cell phones when we were in school. But I really don’t think the kids want to hear that. Look at how the parents are with cell phones. Your in a grocery store and some women or man is talking on one of them, and talking loud enough for everyone to hear. I think they just love to hear themselves talk. I have no problem with kids having them after school hours, but not in school. They are good in an emergency, but like I said they have there place.