A few days ago

can you describe high school please?

i heard that you change for the better and it’s very different from middle school. can anyone give me a description of hs as best as they can?? cause i’m very scared i have no friends who are going there, lots of girls i hate are going to be there, i’m shy, and i have low self esteem. will i have trouble there? please help?!

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Take it from me. I’m a shy girl too, so I can relate. When I started high school, I was scared too. I lived in a small, rural town but was still nervous. It would probably depend on the size and environment of the school. Since you don’t know anyone there, you may not have any idea of what the school is like. But just take one thing at a time and remember that no matter what anyone might do or say, it’s not that bad. If someone is mean to you, keep your cool and never stoop to their level. Always repay evil with good. Be kind and sweet. It will pay off. Try your best to not worry what people think of you. That’s one of my problems. I’m self-conscious. You’ll be a lot happier if you ignore what mean people might say. Also realize that you are not the only shy person going to this school who doesn’t know anyone. There will be people there just like you. There are also nice people who will stick up for you. Teachers and counselors are there to help as well, so don’t be afraid to ask for help. You won’t regret it.

I think you’ll do just fine. Just keep your chin up and a positive attitude, no matter how hard you think that may be. Good luck!


A few days ago
Everyone is always saying that High School is the biggest transition you’ll ever make when going from school to school. Personally, I don’t agree. I feel that going from Elementary to Middle is much harder. In Elementary, you’re in one class with the same faces every day for nearly 5-6 years. Then you’re thrust into this world of multiple classes and hundreds of different kids everyday. High School is the same as Middle— however, you must concentrate on Academics more. Make sure you get good grades and take AP courses if you can. The more you can stack on a college application the better so do after school clubs/activities/sports. I’m an incredibly shy person; I never talk unless spoken to and I give the bare minimum. I also have an extreme difficulty of making friends but somehow I’ve managed to find some really great ones that I love with my heart. Trust me hon, you’ll be fine. The first day is going to be a little scary and intimidating but just push your way through the crowd and whenever you need help, just ask a teacher. That’s what they’re there for. I know there are plenty of girls at my school who I dislike with a passion and there just going to multiple each year. Just avoid them and if they try something just ignore them. I know it’s hard, believe me I know, but don’t fight back. It’ll only make matters worse. Good luck, I know you’ll be fine.

A few days ago
Depends on what high school you are at? It is very akward if and people are very judgemental. Can be very mean. But if you get in the right crowd you will be judged even more but i can be a good thing.

Freshman year – Best year. Nobody really expects maturity! have fun

Sophmore year – still at the bottom of the totom pole but you do have to show some maturity

Jr. Year – People are looking up to you and wish the were you. Reach for the start and look more into colleges

Sn. Year – So people are looking up to you but its your senior year..as long as you pass who gives.

GET INTO SCHOOL ACTIVITIES AND TRY NOT TO BE SHY!! I spent my whole high school career like that. But it all changed when I got out.

Just remember that its highschool and have fun! don’t care what others think and if they say **** prove them wrong!

Surv. of the Fittess!!! or the cutes, the funnies, the smartest…whatever..it 4 years or less it will be all over!


A few days ago
Hi, it is going to be strange at first it is like a whole different world than middle school but my advice to you is be strong and stay true to who you are I was shy and low esteem just like you and it is hard and there is going to be people who are mean girls are catty but you need to be strong and have confidence even when you do not show them you do because if they see you are confident then they will back off you but it if they see you are shy they will jump all over you like a pack of wolves they are jealous of you and they are not happy with in themselves so they pick on you to feel better about themselves.I hope this is not harsh I’m not trying to be I just like you had no friends at first but you will meet new people try joining clubs and sports this will help you meet people and make you feel good too I did not meet my best friend in till after high school and now I have a lot of best friends and you will too darlin I think that you seem like a wonderful person who maybe we can be e pals with if you like? Good luck if you ever need someone to talk to e mail me.

A few days ago
High school is like middle school only twice as dramatic if you hang out with certain cliques. I’m a senior and here is my advice. Be sweet and loveable, make everyone feel comfortable around you no matter who you are. But DON’T try to be in the popular clique. I was popular freshman year and it is entirely overrated. Heres the lowdown. You can be two kinds of popular A. Everyone wants to be friends with you or B. Everyone wants to be you. Kind A is the good kind, people love you and actually enjoy being around you. Kind B is the kind that kicks you in the butt for several reasons. 1.Cute sweet guys will probably not ask you out because they feel they are out of your league. 2. Everyone, even your friends, hates you deep down. 3. The peeps you hang out with to keep your status will be shallow and eventually boring. 4. The minute a cooler more popular girl moves in your out of the in group, your friends, status, and boyfriend are all gone. So basically be yourself, just as sweet and kind as you can. My sophomore year I hung out with a different group of friends that I truly liked for who they were and its been a blast. If you have no friends going there then this is the chance to turn over a new leaf. Come back to school in an outfit that says “Yes, I look great but didn’t spend as much money and it didn’t take nearly as much effort as yours did.” That’s instant cool. Confidence is something that didn’t come naturally to me but here’s the trick. Fake it till you make it. Fake your confidence, pretend like you know you look cute and like your know your a great person, just don’t be cocky. If you fake it long enough you’ll believe it and so will everyone else. If don’t make any friends the first two days then join a club. You’ll meet lots of people who have similar interests with you. Just another tip start caring about grades your freshman year. If you get really good grades you find there are tons of perks your junior and senior year so don’t slack off. and one last thing, it is ALWAYS better to be smart than popular. 20 years from now when your CEO of a company and those popular kids are scrubbing your toilets its not really going to matter who wore the cooler shoes and had the best hair what will matter is who got the better job because they worked harder at their education. Good Luck 🙂

A few days ago
Kim F
First of all, you don’t have low self-esteem. Think of all the things you do every day for yourself…not for anyone else…that only benefits your body.

But don’t worry. High school is fun. Everyone else who is going into high school is thinking the same way you are. Everyone is nervous and not sure what its going to be like. But its just like junior high, just more dating, perhaps more gossip, and maybe more homework, and more freedom usually.

Best advice…stop thinking about how shy you are and get out there. go up to someone and introduce yourself. Any weirdness will be lost in the fact that they probably really wanted to meet you to, and just didn’t know how to do it.

Remember these two things:

-don’t ever NOT do something because you’re scared of it

-remember that most people don’t think about you half as much as you think about you…they’re all thinking about themselves.

Good luck and have tons of fun!!!


A few days ago
Well it is different. A lot of people actually switch friends when they get to high school. It’s a new school, just act like you aren’t worried about anything and people will be nice, don’t worry. Freshmen are all scared when they first come to HS so they stick together.

Try talking to new people too, find someone you like to be around! It should be ok!


A few days ago
play a sport! you have no idea, dude! you will feel much better, get a higher self-esteem, and get friends, and become more popular. It is ok to be shy; don’t feel like that is such a bad thing.

Walk with confidence and dignity and you will quickly find people coming up to you to talk.

Don’t cheat, or do drugs; I just graduated high school and plenty of kids did drugs; very few of them are not messed up and very few of them are going to good schools.


A few days ago
my experiences in high school, doesn’t really seem too much different than high school, other than i might do more things outside of school with my friends, but i too don’t have many friends (from moving around so much) but just talk to the people sitting around you and most of the time they talk back, but if not talk to someone else, just smile, and the self-esteem, just learn that God made you just the way you are, and you’re beautiful to him, and i’m sure that you are very pretty, don’t worry…it’s not that bad, it can actually be pretty fun sometimes…

5 years ago
My dad kicked me out when I was 17, moved to a different city to live with my mom. Had to transfer to another school to finish…got kicked out of that school for “allegedly” threatening another student with a gun (which did not had happen), no gun was found…and a whole lot in between My high school years were pretty abnormal and I learned a lot of lessons….