A few days ago

Are parents responsible for paying for their child’s undergraduate education is the U.S?

please be specific and no opinions.

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

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Legally no. But some colleges factor in “expected parental contribution” when awarding financial aid, based on the parents’ current income. If the parents don’t actually contribute that amount, however, it’s up to the student to make up the difference through work or loans.

A few days ago
No. And there are a lot of parents who make no effort to do so, even when it would be possible to help their child.

When determining parental responsibility through the legal system, some children of divorce do better than other children and some do worse. I’ve been told in New Jersey, if you went to college, you will be court ordered to pay for half of the child’s education.

Here in Colorado, the parent pays support only until the child is 19. There is no responsibility for college and my son’s father has refused to take responsibility.


A few days ago
It really is not a parent’s responsibility to pay for college unless that student is a minor. Most students who enter college are 18 or over (yes, there are some exceptions) and therefore are responsible for themselves. It would be really great if a college student can get the parent’s to pay, but there is no legal obligation to do so.

Even if parents agree to assist with college, it is in the student’s best interest to contribute to their education. By doing so, they are acting as adults.


A few days ago
Technically, the student is responsible for funding their undergraduate education. However, under most circumstances financial aid offices are required to consider the income of the parents of students 23 years old or younger in determining their eligibility for Federal Financial Aid.

A few days ago
sharon m
Morally yes. Legally No. You are an adult at age 18 . You can sign contracts, join the army, but not drink. (sorry) No parents do not have to pay for your education,

A few days ago
No. I know many people whose parents never paid a penny toward college expenses and got through on scholarships, grants, loans, and working.

If you plan on not paying a cent, you better inform your child that they will be responsible for their bills so they can work and save money.


A few days ago
in the state I live in no. however, a man who pays child support still has to support the child if they are in college until age 22.