A few days ago

I find soooo many serious problems pertaining to the use of the Eng./Amer. Language that I now doubt if AMERIC

I seriously doubt if AMERICA — USA, HAS any schools & IF SO, DO THEY DO a n y EDUACTING AT ALL ???????????????????????????????????????

These kids can’t: SPELL, USE PROPER GRAMMAR, PROPER SENTENCE STRUCTURE, or EVEN MAKE ANY SENSE 1/2 THE TIME!!! They say: ‘spade’ when they mean ‘spayed’, they always say ‘there’ when they mean ‘they’re (they are), or ‘their’ — they don’t know ‘their’ means belonging to someone else !!! I could mention a dozen or two more (including the 3-2s: to,too,& two!), but I’m sure anyone 45 and up has seen it & had their blood boil !They also say, “I seen it.”, instead of, “I saw it.”–and on and on ! What can we do? Stop paying ALL SCHOOL TAXES ubtil they shape up or pull all our kids out & find home schoolers !!! Our grandparents studied in 1-room classrooms and went on to Harvard & Yale & Cambridge and became the leaders of the free-world! These”kids” aren’t going to B able to support themselves, let alone their kids or elders! What can we do???

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

As individuals with kids, we pull them out of school and teach them what we want them to learn. That’s if we can afford to stay at home with them and take on the task before they become so discouraged by the system that they no longer want to learn.

I’d love to stop paying school taxes but that’s only going to make this broken system even worse. I feel sorry for the people that would love to home school their kids but have to work to pay the bills. These people don’t have much choice.


A few days ago
Der weiße Hexenmeister
Don’t worry idiots have been leaders pretty much during the whole course of history, particularly of the US.It doesn’t take a brilliant person but money and daddy’s name. Besides everybody knows the world is ruled by armies, presidents and the rest of the pantomime are just their puppets.

By the way, it’s a general thing now to have idiotic children. The more uncultured you are the easier to be controlled you become.


A few days ago
Christina K
Probably even worse is the fact that a lot of them now communicate in text language. Language and grammar evolve all the time, as as long as people can still understand what you are trying to say it is not so much of an issue long term but I cannot understand ‘text speak’ for the life of me!

A few days ago
Boomer Wisdom
Nonsense. Over half the budget of the State of California is spent on its “free” socialistic school system. (The rest goes for prisons, which houses prisoners for “free.”)

Soon, the government will also control all our health care for “free”, and we will be able to get government mandated “free” meds that will make us quit complaining.

See ya at re-education camp…