A few days ago

I need some ideas for a math poster.. I need creative but not too hard to do?? Thanks?

I need some ideas for a math poster.. I need creative but not too hard to do?? Thanks?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

here is a winner for you….

On the Poster put the names of as many famous scientists , mathematicians as you can with formulas using artistic fonts,Math symbols etc.

Einstein, Pythagoras, E=mc2 for example.

With the slogan:

“It adds up…the common denominator to fame is Math”

Good luck.


4 years ago
Creative Math Poster Ideas

6 years ago
This Site Might Help You.

I need some ideas for a math poster.. I need creative but not too hard to do?? Thanks?


A few days ago
embroidery fan
1) Put numbers made from construction paper with glitter-glue on them, randomly on the page. Then words: Math is Fun! Math: We Use it Everywhere! (or whatever)

2) Put a target in the middle of the poster with arrows going into it at various angles. On each area put a branch of math: topology, calculus, arithmetic, analytical geometry, trigonometry. Caption: Easy or Not, Math Hits the Spot!