A few days ago
Ana Lourenca Auxilia Belo

definitions of class, instance, method, attribute and state?

definitions of class, instance, method, attribute and state?

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

A class is a blueprint or prototype, that defines the variables and the methods common to all objects of a certain kind.

A software object implements its behaviour with methods which is a function associated with an object.Functions associated to objects are known as methods. Funcions are a set of instructions given to the compiler in order to perform a specific task.

from a class multiple objects can be created which are known as instances of the class.

The state of an object is represented through the values or attributes of its characteristics of its characteristics at a given point of time

A software object maintains its state in one or nore variables. State refers to the details of an objett.

Data structure is reffered to as attribute

processes that may correctly change the data structure are reffered to as methods or functions


A few days ago
Dept. of Redundancy Department
Ana: have you ever tried going on a Google search or a Yahoo search or Ask Jeeves search? just type “dictionary” in the search box and press ‘enter’ and you’ll have a free set of dictionaries right in front of you; then click on ‘Bookmark’ and save those resources for when you need them in the future. That way you won’t have to come here and rely on some possibly shaky, inaccurate answers…although you WILL find some helpful people here, wouldn’t you rather rely on YOUR OWN resourcefulness AND get more accurate answers faster by doing your own surfing? just a suggestion, not a sermon.

A few days ago
class–a group of students meeting regularly to study a subject under the guidance of a teacher

instance–a case or occurrence of anything

method–a procedure, technique, or way of doing something

attribute–to regard as resulting from a specified cause; consider as caused by something indicated .

Example: She attributed his bad temper to ill health.

state–the style of living befitting a person of wealth and high rank:

Example: to travel in state.


A few days ago