Types of Research Methodology

There are many different research methodologies utilized in psychology. Broadly speaking, there can be two different kinds: qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative research methodology typically involves the application of qualitative data to generate descriptive descriptions, analyze data, and evaluate possible relationships between factors and individual behaviors. Qualitative data is subjective and descriptive; it does not provide any objective information about whether a person’s behavior is normal or deviant. Quantitative research methodology on the other hand is objective and utilizes statistical data to test theories and make predictions. This type of research has the advantage of being able to generalize from empirical findings, but because it is based on statistics and testing, there is a tendency for it to become divorced from its subjective nature.

The type of research method

In order to draw causal relationships between various variables, one has to employ either quantitative or qualitative methods. Although some researchers prefer to use both because it allows them to look into both sides of the coin, others are more inclined towards using only quantitative tools. However, it is important to remember that this type of research methods are not interchangeable; there is a significant difference between the two. Let us take a look at each individually.

Correlation is an example of one of the two research methods often used in psychology; this involves the relationship between variables measured at two or more points in time. Correlation also takes the form of a mean or normal curve, so it can vary across time points. The most common forms of correlation in psychology involve linear trends or a normal distribution. If there is a significant number of significant measurements, then the results of these measurements can help in diagnosing an underlying psychological problem.

Content analysis

Another method of investigating the structure of behavior is through the process of content analysis. Content analysis is done through drawing on data from many different sources. Sources can include experiment descriptions, personal interviews, observation, and ratings on different scales. The results presented will show the relationships between content, meaning, attitude, and other factors. This is a very important part of any psychological diagnosis.

Quantitative and qualitative research

A major difference between quantitative and qualitative research lies in methodology. Qualitative methods use many different qualitative strategies in order to gather information, while the quantitative researchers collect data only using the methods found in science textbooks. While the two types of psychological research have their differences, there is a common ground for both. Both types of research methodologies must be organized to provide accurate, useful results. Below is a description of each of the two major methods used to analyze human behavior.

Twin Studies

Twin Studies this is perhaps one of the oldest forms of research methodology, and it provides valuable information about the genetic architecture of children. It began with the birth records of several people and then studied how their personality traits related to the physical appearance of those individuals. Recently, twin studies have become much more popular due to the increased ability to examine the relationship between behavior and genes. In twin studies, twins are usually provided identical sets of information or similar information regarding behavioral problems, and then they are monitored over time to evaluate possible genetic influences. This type of study provides a concrete answer about the relationships between genetic and environmental factors, which can be highly significant.

Case Study

Case studies are the most widely used form of qualitative research methodology. Basically, a case study describes a real situation and then follows it through from start to finish. This type of study is extremely descriptive and interesting, because it gives you the opportunity to follow the development of an individual’s mental health over time. This type of research methodology also allows psychologists to test the effects of a particular treatment on specific groups of people over time, as well as on a national or global scale.

Brain Imaging

This type of research methodology is probably one of the most interesting to go over in this short article. Brain imaging has definitely come along way since the 1990s, when it first became available. Today, with the help of high tech computer systems and MRI machines, scientists have been able to take snapshots of our brains and actually see how our brains function. There are now even companies out there that are conducting MRI studies in order to better understand what goes on inside people’s brains when they engage in certain behaviors.

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