Christian Faith and Catholicism – What Are the Main Differences?

In his book “The Evangelical Evangelist”, Dr. Larry Crabb outlines twelve characteristics of the Christian faith which are appealing to most of our senses. He states that his purpose is to show the differences between the Christian faith and the Roman Catholic Church. This article will provide some of the highlights for those of us who are interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the Christian faith.

Firstly, we will look at the differences between the Roman Catholics and the Christian Faith.

As we know, Rome has been accepting the authority of the Vatican Council and all the decisions that have emanated from this Council. Furthermore, Rome has always rejected the primacy of Christ. These two factors alone can be enough to prove the superiority of the Christian faith.

Secondly, we shall look at the differences in the way that the followers of each religion to treat their fellow men.

We see that the followers of the Christian Faith are known to be very friendly towards their fellows. They don’t even tolerate suspicion or criticism from their rivals. They firmly believe in the equality of man and God and reject theistic hierarchy and privileges.

Thirdly, we will see the similarities in the way that both of these religions have emphasized a direct link between the actions of the believer and the presence of God.

On the Christian faith, it is very clear that salvation is achieved through the grace of the Lord and restorative of the soul after death. On the Roman Catholic Church, salvation is achieved by believing in the salvific will of the Redeemer. Apart from this, many other works of the Church are focused upon. For instance, the Sunday services, the Holy Communion, the Eucharist, the tithe and the donations to charity.

Next, we will see the similarities in the way that both of these religions accept the authority of the Magi.

We know that the Magi were Biblical Characters mentioned in the Bible. They are also considered as holy persons sent by Jesus Christ to visit the newborn babies at the time of His Birth. As for the Roman Catholics, they consider the Pope as the vicar of Christ on earth until the return of Christ. The pontiff is the highest priest of Christ and he is considered the head of the Roman Catholic Church.

Lastly, we will see the similarities in the way that both of these faiths emphasize a sense of reward and penitence.

On the Christian faith, the penitence is seen as a test of faith that transforms the sinner into a fruit of the spirit. On the Roman Catholics, penitence is seen as the penance for the guilt of one’s own sins.

Roman Catholicism

There are of course many differences between the Christian faith and the Roman Catholicism. But the three mentioned above are the most important. Both of them have strong roots in God and they are both accepted widely by people of different religions. Even though Roman Catholicism is much bigger than the Christian faith, the similarities have been gradually growing over the years. People in the modern world tend to have a greater interest in these similarities than in differences.


Both believers are trying their best to make their faith more compatible with the ideals of other religions. This is a very good thing because it makes the world a better place to live in. We are always advised to keep in touch with our traditional beliefs because they help us to maintain a sense of spirituality. We are also advised to be sensitive to the need of people and the pressure to adapt to different trends in life. I hope this article was able to provide some insight into the Christian faith and Christianity in general. There is always room for improvement, so don’t be afraid to try new things.

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