A few days ago

What is the question?

Here are some answers, what is the question?

1. George Bush

2. Hamster

3. Purple

4. 13

5. Uncle Sam

6. Under Arms

7. Gigantic

8. 22 Fart

9. Dictionary

10. Global Warming

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

1. Who is Made of bees?

2. What was my cat’s last snack?

3. What does burning taste like? lol Simpsons ftw

4. 1+4+0+8 X_X

5. Chronic Bedwetter.

6. Which area of the body do some Raw Vegan woman not shave?

7. How big is yo mama?

8. i don’t know wth that means.

9. Online reference site that fits this criteria ” ________.com”

10. Caused by large amounts of ducks that swim in circles to create whirlpools, thus raising t he water temperature. Penguins do it too to cause these unnatural phenomena.


A few days ago
1. Who is the President of the United States?

2. What is the pet called that looks like an overgrown rat, but with a lot of extra hair?

3. What is the color of Royalty?

4. What is the number related to the Freddy Kruger movies?

5. Who is the man famous for saying “I Want You!” and then takes all your money……

6. What is it called when you have a weapon on you….

7. What is the word used when something is extremely huge?

8. What is the slang word used when you say you passed gas 22 times, you had….. ? lmao

9. What the book is called when you need to find the meaning to a word?

10. What is it called when the ice starts melting in the North & South Pole, and the deteriation of the ozone?


A few days ago
1) Who is the president of the US?

2) What looks like a domestic rat?

3) Oprah was it a move called the color?

4) What is condidered and unlucky number?

5) Who is the “tax” man we pay every year?

6) Where do you put deoderant?

7) What is another word for extreamly large?

8) What comes after you eat 22 beans?

9) Where do you look for definitions?

10) Al Gore is against this?


A few days ago
what word(s) don’t have an ‘x’, or ‘z’ in them?