A few days ago

why are california state universitys so good?

I’ve met alumni from UC schools, and they didn’t seem intelligent AT ALL. But I’ve also met alumni from no name state schools who seemed very intelligent. What gives?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

some people who are really smart don’t try in high school and just go to a csu. there are also some people who aren’t as smart but try in high school and go to a uc. hopefully you get what im saying.

A few days ago
It seems to me that most people go to UC just because it sounds better than CSU plus schools are more famous. The issue is that most of those well known UC schools spend a lot of money on research and people teaching the classes are ordinary grad students. Professors are too busy doing the research, while at CSU you can trully get on hands experience and knowledge passed on directly by the experts in their fields. I don’t think I have ever had any Teaching Assistants lecture entire semester at CSULB while it’s a common thing in many UC’s.

A few days ago
I don’t think its all about the school, the person may not have applied themselves or cared at all about there education. So I think most schools are around the same because they have standard to avid by.