A few days ago
Loving Love

What kind of things would you like to see in your campus newspaper?

I am a higher position at my college’s paper. I was wondering what you would all enjoy reading in a student newspaper on your campus, highschool or college level.

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago
embroidery fan

Favorite Answer

*Ask the student on the street: Ask six to ten students about a current issue. Publish their picture & their response to the question.

* Ask the administration. Pick a question & have the principal or dean answer it in the newspaper.

* Funny cartoon by a student

* Current activities on campus (clubs, lectures, workshops)

* Free activities on campus this week

* “Teacher of the week”: tell about one teacher, professor, staff member

* “Classified person of the week”: tell about one lunch lady, custodian, etc.

* What different classes are learning about.

*Polls of what teachers the students like the best & why.


A few days ago
Non academic stuff such as sports ,students community projects and fun activities.

A few days ago
Fav Song of the week