A few days ago

Should I apply for transfer or should I just finish strong at my current college? Details below.?

I will be a 3rd year undergraduate student at UCSC. I really want to transfer out of this college (to UCD, UCSD, UCLA, or Cal), but I am afraid that the chances of getting in are unlikely. I have asked several people about this situation and most of them think that I should try for it. Or, should I finish strong with the rest of these 2 years? Some of my friends who transferred out think that it is best to apply for transfer to a better UC and make that transfer if I get accepted. I want to start writing my essays, so please answer! Thank you!

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

A lot of UC schools accept transfers from two-year colleges, so I’d think they’d have space for you. Maybe not all of the UC schools take a lot of transfer students.

There is a trade-off as the competition is stronger and so your grade point average could fall. This might hurt something like a med school application, but a transfer would help your future resume because you don’t list GPA, just the school from which you graduated.

Call the admissions office to one or more of these schools and ask someone how many places are available. Tell them where you are now, your G.P.A. and why you are transferring. Maybe you should apply only to those schools with a significant number of openings.


A few days ago
It seems a little late to be transferring. At this point, if you are looking at grad school, they will see from your transcripts that your degree fro the better UC was not really a degree from a better UC, so I’m not sure it would really benefit you. My sense is that if you are really miserable at UCSC, you could give it a try; otherwise, why bother?

A few days ago
Too much headache to transfer but weigh your options if you are completely sick of your college then transfer if not stick it out.