A few days ago

Ppl who got into UCLA or Berkely….?

What was your GPA and your Sat scores and for which of the two schools did you get accepted into? thnx alot!

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

You can see the profiles of admitted students to all UC campuses for Fall 2007 (detailed breakdown of GPA, SAT, ACT, SAT II, and other statistics) at: http://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/educators/counselors/resources/materials/ITU.pdf Berkeley is on page 37 and UCLA is on page 40.

A few days ago
i didn’t go to any of the above, but both are very competitive…get high grades and sat scores bc i remember the really smart people in high school got into either one..but i also remember people who were ok also got into one of those two… and i remember those who thought deserved to go to either one of those didn’t and were angry at those who were in the “ok” category…so it all depends…good luck!

A few days ago
It’s spelled Berkeley.

In the end, your essay is what’s going to make the difference.