A few days ago

Making up an exam – is this fair?

I had an exam on Monday, but I missed it. I bent over the wrong way prior to leaving for school and killed my back. I couldn’t move, period. It’s still hard but I can’t afford to miss tomorrow too. Anyway, I asked within 24 hrs if I could make it up. The good news: I can. The bad: I’m getting docked 12 pts, meaning I can’t finish higher than an 88. What would have been a B- yesterday is now a C- or D+. This is a class I have to get a C or better in to be an official major in this program.

I’m glad I can make up the test, but I don’t know how fair it is to dock me 12 pts off the bat. I gave relatively quick notice, and I had been at every class prior. This makes my margin for error drastically smaller on a test I’ve never felt confident about. Beyond all else, I’m being penalized for something I couldn’t help. If I could have physically gotten myself there, I would have. Obviously. But I couldn’t even dress myself I was in so much pain. It’s still hard.

I missed a couple of exams at my previous colleges and was never docked a thing for making them up.

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Wow, I missed a test once when I was sick and my teacher let me take it from home (meaning I could use my book AND notes)! Although he was an extremely lenient teacher…but your situation is ridiculous. What else were you supposed to do? I would discuss it with your professor, and if they are unwilling to hear you out and consider a second option, I would consider approaching the dean about it. It is extremely unfair…does this instructor expect all of their students to be in perfect health all semester long?

A few days ago
how manys days have you already missed? sounds like you miss alot of classes and are now crying for sympathy, so what are you crying about at least you can get a C and still stay in the major range, would you of rather had a F for not showing up? people that run around saying that`s not fair need to wake up and smell the coffee the world is rarely fair about anything. so unless your paris hilton or nicole richie you better get on the ball. oh and the same goes for a job unless you have a doctors excuse(and sometimes that`s not good enough) you`ll get fired for missing to many days

A few days ago
Your professor is giving you a real-world experience. In the workplace, if “they” need your report or product by a certain time and you can’t deliver, your company is penalized, and you as an individual may be penalized as well. It doesn’t matter if you had a great excuse that’s absolutely true–your inability to deliver on time is not fully acceptable.

Ow, huh?

Get used to it. In the working world, that’s often the way it goes.


A few days ago
Wylie Coyote
The academic policy of the university may or may not have an appellate procedure. A doctor’s excuse would go far in showing documentation. I assume that you have an academic advisor, and a dean? Try there for relief. Good luck.

A few days ago
If you went to the doctor I would offer to get a note from the doctor, maybe that would help?

I know each teacher has their own rules and you will just have to go with what he says. Maybe you could do some extra credit to get your grade back up where you want it to be?

Good Luck!


A few days ago
Go Bears!
All professors have their rules – many don’t let you make up exams at all. He can penalize you how ever he would like. Just study hard and do the best you can.

A few days ago
”yo bro,just study no matter how hard it is,but it kinda helps,just take it one step at a time and you’ll get through it all a’ight”!!!