A few days ago

Is November too late to ask professors for letters of recommendation?

Is November (perhaps during the first week) too late to ask professors for letters of recommendation for a MA degree application that has a January 15th deadline?

I would appreciate answers from professors who have had to write them in the past and know how long it takes and/or is preferred.

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

It would be wise to speak to your professors well before November. Remember, they are your best resources to consult as you seek the graduate programs that will be best for you. Your professors know who teaches where, who is a noted scholar in your area of intended subspecialization, and who is known to be a good mentor. This is essential information as you select the programs to which you will apply.

When you ask your professors for advice, you can then ask if they feel able to write you a letter of recommendation.

And as I am inferring, the earlier you have these conversations, the better off you will be.

After you ask for a letter, be prepared to (soon!) provide a resume, one of the personal statements you’ve written, a list of classes you’ve taken in your field, the grades you’ve received, the titles (and copies, if possible) of any research papers of which you are particularly proud, and a list of the programs to which you are applying, along with any special forms, email addresses, or websites for the submission of letters of rec.

Because so many students ask me for letters, I prefer to be asked about six weeks before the due date.

Best wishes to you!


A few days ago
The first week would be fine. Don’t wait until mid- or late-November, though, because the holiday season is so busy that most of us are a bit crazed once it starts up. Generally, the more lead time I have, the better, but I certainly don’t normally expect more than a month or two (it is the people who say, “Oh, and by the way, they want it by this afternoon,” who drive me crazy!

A few days ago
I am an instructor, and I write a lot of recommendation letters. The rule of thumb I use is give me at least 2 weeks before it is due. I also require students to give me all the information regarding the application and any information that will help me write a good letter for them.

Good luck!


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