A few days ago
David k

Dorm room for older guy?

Im 23 and just went back to school after a few years off, i am going to transfer in about a year and always wanted to college experience. would it be weird for me to live in a dorm this old? are there other older people in dorms? and are there alot of girls and parties to have fun with?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Yeah, you can still live in a dorm at your age and not feel too old. I was about that age when I transferred schools at the last minute and had to live in the dorm for a semester. I recommend getting a private room like I did because the thought of sharing a room with an 18 year old jackass was not really what I wanted. I mean really, do you want to have to explain everything to a kid fresh out of his jammies from his parents’ home? Probably not.

As for the partying, you can expect it, but you may be disappointed. That all depends on your personal level of maturity. Many guys have no problem regressing back in maturity and embracing a return to youthful irresponsibility, but don’t forget that on average about 35% of college freshmen fail out because they party too much.

So if you can maintain some balance in your life, I am sure you can live in a dorm, chase tons of skirts, drink too much and still succeed, but you may really start to feel your age before the end of the first semester.

Good luck!


A few days ago
yeah you will be fine but keep in mind you are going to partying with a bunch of 18-21 year old kids so don’t expect much maturity from us haha. My boyfriends room mate is 22 if that makes you feel better.

A few days ago
it does not matter how old u r to live in a dorm