A few days ago

Doing very bad in college?

I’ve been stressing out lately, and I’m only taking 3 major classes. The rest are just required core courses, which are not meant to be as hard. I am also working part time. I put in so much time into my course major classes; hours on weekends, but I seem to be having a hard time completing everything [the right way]. If I feel I am not prepared to go to class one day, I just won’t go and I’m starting to have a poor attendance record. I don’t want to drop out of college (please don’t say that) and I’ve talked to my advisor, but she doesn’t help. I’ve e-mailed one of my course teachers, but she never replies by e-mail, and publically announces the problems I wrote to her by e-mail in class the next day >< I hope this is just a stage I'm going through, or is this something really serious? I could not finish my project (using a program I've never heard of) in time and I'm so worried.

Top 8 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Take a deep breath. Exhale. We’ll need to take this step by step.

First, unless your college tuition absolutely depends on it, you need to quit your part time job. You’re not keeping up with your studies right now, and your studies must be your #1 priority. In effect, they’re your full time job. Later, once you have things in order, you can start working again. But right now? Quit.

Then, start to prioritize. We’ll do a bit of triage on this semester, to get you through it.

Your first effort must be to attend every class from now on. You absolutely won’t be successful if you don’t attend and worse, your poor attendance will end up impacting your grade. So even if you don’t feel prepared, go to class. It may be embarassing at first, until you get caught up, but you’re going to have to do this. There’s no other option.

Reconsider how you are studying and doing your work. If you are not understanding the subject matter despite doing the work, ask the professor to recommend a tutor. Go to the professor’s office hours (this is what they are for) and ask for extra help. Bring the assignment with you, already started. Stop emailing her about the problems. Bring them to her in person, or to your tutor. I’m thinking that email isn’t the right way to approach either this professor, or your advisor. This is too important. You need to go in person, multiple times if necessary.

I think the professor is “announcing the problems” you wrote to her about to the class, because she suspects that if you are having them, others are, too. She’s not pointing out that you’re the one who wrote her, is she? If she is not, then she thinks others are having these problems and wants to talk to the class about them.

Consider dropping a class. You’d get a W-P in most universities, a Withdrawn-Passing. One of those on your record won’t hurt you, and it may free up time to spend on your other classes. As for which class to drop, either drop the one that is of least interest to you, or the one that is absolutely killing you: your choice. You’d need to talk to your advisor about this possibility. It’s an easy process, and if it helps, then it’s worth it. I did it with one class in undergrad, and I’m *still* glad that I got up the courage to drop it. It was sucking up way too much energy.

I am very concerned that you had a project due in a program that you’d never heard of, and could not complete it. That worries me quite a bit. I suspect that the subject matter may be over your head. Why did you not know this program? Did others not know it? How did they cope? Was the program taught in class, or was it a prerequisite for you to have known it? What could you have done in order to learn it? Work with other students? Get a tutor?

So, for this semester, your goals: you need to get caught up, and you need to find a way to complete your assignments. Get through the semester. Then reassess.

If the work is truly beyond you, you may need to change your major. There is no shame in this! You could take next semester as an opportunity not to take any major courses (or just take one), and to take classes in other areas in order to explore them, and complete more gen-ed and elective credits. Then decide.


A few days ago
Wow, I remember college just like yesterday! So I know that feeling. Do you happen to have a support group of close friends that could kinda help coach you or keep you encouraged through all of this? That sometimes helps just to have someone there that understands since it seems the advisor is doing such a bad job. Also, someone mentioned earlier being scheduled and organized. This will really help. I would check into a great planning system (advisably something electronic with alerts) and you may have to go into a mode where you schedule every minute of your day and take advantage of every minute of your day. Also, what does completing everything “the right way” mean?

A few days ago
I don’t know what college you’re attending, but you really need to report this to the dean of students about an advisor not responding to e-mail, and an instructor anoouncing your personal business in class the next day! YOUR tuition, and that of other students, is what pays the wages of these people…so you deserve their courtesy and respect…and also their assistance to help you in every way they can. DO NOT be pushed around! You’re paying for this education! Now as far as courses…is it possible to: 1) stop the part-time job until you graduate? 2) take a lighter course load? 3) get tutoring help? 4) drop this semester but register for the next semester (fresh start)? I wish you the best. But definitely report these abuses by faculty to the dean

A few days ago

Honey, this is perfectly normal, it’s why so many young adults drop out of college. My son is now in his 4th year at U of F. His first year, he felt exactly like you do, he contemplated quitting at least once a week!

If possible drop one of the major classes for now, you’ve over loaded yourself for your first year. Being in college and working, being away from home where your biggest worry was what to wear to school and there was always someone who loved you to talk to, even if you didn’t want to talk, It’s a huge adjustment having to worry about everything yourself now, it’s like suddenly your a grown up, having to take care of all the things mom and dad used to do. It’s over whelming right now honey but it will get better, I promise! Do the best you can, go over your advisors head if you have to, and talk to your teacher about NOT announcing your problems to the class, although her thoughts are probably that most of the students are experiencing the very same thing and it’s easier to address the class than individual e mails. It will get better sweetie! Try to take a breath and remember things will get easier as you adjust.

And honey, call your parents often, trust me it’s just as hard on us letting you all go! We’ve enjoyed taking care of you all and our lives as we knew it have changed forever, it’s tough on we parents too.!

Good luck honey and don’t give up!


A few days ago
It is very important to NOT miss classes, because you really miss more than you think. If you went everyday, maybe you’d be more prepared. Plus, the professor will see that you at least make an attempt to try and will work with you more on any problems you are having. Don’t drop out…just take classes that you can handle next semester!

5 years ago
Is it possible that you can somehow ditch these people…? You make it out like it’ll be impossible to isolate them from your life. I’m not suggesting you’re crazy or anything of the sort, but it might be worth it to talk this all out honestly and reset your priorities. Edit: But I don’t understand how this latest statement applies to you when you just said you want to live in some hole and drink beer all day. You should get some professional help, and make more of an effort to reconnect with your parents. Anyone else in your life that you can trust? Man this reminds me so much about The Cather in the Rye, you remind me alot about the protagonist at his breaking points.

A few days ago
Well, for starters, it sounds like you’re taking too many classes, especially too many major courses, in the same term. Sounds like you’re rushing, and basically you’re working too hard, especially with a part time job.

A few days ago

What i can say to u is try to set ur time. Plz i know there are lot of things u like, but bcauz of situation try to cut them especially TV time & Sleep time.