A few days ago
Curly Girl

Does registering as undecided hurt your chance of acceptance?

Are college turned off by students who register as undecided because they believe the student doesn’t show interest in enhancing their school?

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago
the Politics of Pikachu

Favorite Answer

No, or at least it shouldn’t. Lots of students don’t know exactly, but most know down to maybe 2 or 3 things they can’t decide between (like for example English, Psychology, or Asian History).

A few days ago
It depends….some colleges start their students in courses required for their major right away which can be difficult for scheduling if you are not decided. Most of the normal colleges wait until u are going into ur junior year before you decide on your major

A few days ago
no I was accepted undecided. I think as long as your application is strong, they are okay with you not knowing what to do, that’s the point of college…the General Education Requirements help you to decide

A few days ago
Depends on the school. You’ll need to research each one individually.