A few days ago

Do you think a phd or doctorate from a cohort or executive style program is acceptable?

I have asked several questions pertaining to phD’s and doctorates because I teach and have friends always asking me about it (other faculty and students). So a new question.

Some new phD programs and doctorates offer executive style or cohort style programs. There are two great examples at:



Both of these are post-masters and professional. The RMU degree however is a direct Sc.D so it is equivalent to a ph.D research degree.

How well do you feel these programs are respected and how do they compare to the traditional phD in your mind.

Also, I feel these are excellent programs. They are not the for-profit model of accepting everyone either. They do have rigorous acceptance criteria (even though it may not seem since it does not require GRE scores).

What do you think?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago
Will B

Favorite Answer

I have a Ph.D. and was Assoc Dean of our Grad School. Academics are snobs of the worst kind. A Ph.D. is better than all other degrees, a real Ph.D. from a real school in which you took a vow of poverty is better than something more useful . . . you get the idea.

The answer depends on what you want to do with it. If you want to teach at a Research I or II (Extensive or Intensive in the new language) then a real on campus experience is best. Otherwise, go for it. I teach in a cohort based hybrid doc program – three on-campus sessions each semester, class on interactive weekly and many of our students have faculty jobs are are looking to upgrade. They work typically on community college campuses, and are really good at teaching.

Would I do one – nope. I am a snob – or rather I have been socialized appropriately into academia.


4 years ago
Cohort Phd Programs

A few days ago
The one next to the blond
I can’t speak to a doctorate program (yet), but I found that the cohort style was an excellent means to obtain my MA. We not only developed a great camaraderie, but served as mutual resources to one another. I think the general spirit of cooperation and mutual support would help counteract some of the competition and back-stabbing I often hear about in phD programs.