A few days ago
krystal G

COLLEGE ESSAY!!!!what do you think????

what do you think …what do you think the university is going to think?????? any errors/????

When I look at this picture of myself, I realize how much I’ve grown and changed, not only physically, but also mentally as a person In the last couple of years. Less than one month after this photograph was taken, I arrived at North Shore Community College without any idea of what to expect. Around me in this picture are the things which were most important in my life at the time:

I will strive to be a tremendous asset to Northeastern University by devoting all my time to becoming an excellent student. I believe that I am obligated to use my talents in a constructive manner, in a manner that benefits society. The medical career gives me the unique opportunity to express my many talents while benefiting human life.

Going to a medical school and earning a degree has always been a dream of mine. My life, like many others has seen and been through times of sorrow. I have watched one loves in pain, with uncertainty of their future. Just recently a long lost Uncle has reappeared in the lives of my family. Glad to see him him back but, I’m sad and worried about is life. He has been diagnosed with throat cancer, and must under go chemotherapy. Watching his struggles urges me to learn more about steps into recovery and how I can be of help. Cancer rates are at large tacking away to many people too soon. I believe that Doctors don’t just treat bodies they also listen to souls because sometimes the illness is cured by a friend.

I believe that my ability to improve and expand my communication skills since I was constantly meeting numerous people which makes me well suited to pursue a medical career. I also consider myself a “people” person. As a sales consultant, I interact and communicate with a variety of people thereby expanding my ability to discuss a wide range of topics. Because people constantly disclosed their personal issues to me, I learned to become not only a good conversationalist, but also an excellent listener. In medical school, I also plan to pursue side work like Volunteering. One of my most rewarding experiences has been helping patients as a Personal Care Attendant.

I am Highly motivated to succeed, I dramatically improved my grades following a time at North Shore Community College. In the past year I have learned a lot through my experiences and relationships. I’ve realized that I was trying so much to make everyone else happy that I wasn’t keeping myself and my interests in mind at times when I should have. Once I realized what goal i wanted to pursue in my life, i plan to work hard to succeed in achieving this goal.

I have been diligent in my pursuit of medicine as a career because I am convinced that medicine offers me the opportunity to live a fulfilling, rewarding life dedicated to helping others. I will enter medicine eager to learn. Attending Northeastern University would be one of the greatest rewards for my motivation and persistence for success.

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago
Sultan Cartman

Favorite Answer

sounds wayy generic and boring….

personalize it

talk like how you would in real life

the admission offices look at thousands of applications and read so many essays and they had to select some out of them. Do you really want them to be bored to death>?


A few days ago
Cheshire Cat
Here’s some inside knowledge:

1. Medical careers majors are usually evaluated on their math and science aptitude first, so unless your essay is impressive you can expect your test scores and transcripts to rank higher in how your application is sorted.

2. Frequently your essay is used as a writing sample to determine your placement into a composition course. Thus, it is still an important part of your application. Make sure to check your grammar, efficiency in use of words, logical flow of your essay, and that your message is clear.

3. Unlike another answer, I will not say that essay length is important unless specifically required.

4. (disclaimer) Your admission will probably be relative to the competitiveness of the applicant pool.


A few days ago
it is impossible to determine if the essay is good enough or not because I am confused, was a photo a requirement of the essay? if not that will be added information that was not required, and most colleges will not be impressed. Keep it geared toward what they are asking for, if it is your background and future goals, keep it to that without a lot of filler. I am guess it is about a 2-3 page double spaced essay, which means they want to actually know about your goals for school and what makes you a good possibility for their school. As for errors, check spelling through words, which also offers grammar checks, then have one person you trust proof read it. You can also check the readability level as well.

A few days ago
Every essay the university will be sentimental like yours. Saying stuff about dreams and how much you have grown and that stuff. You need something different, You need something that pops out of the page so the evaluaters would be like WOAH WOW OMG NO WAY!

A few days ago
honestly..i think that if your essay is short enough to post on Yahoo answer..you should work on it.