A few days ago

prorated teaching salary???

There is a job offer for a teaching position, full time. This is a 10 month job. it is a 45,000 salary and says it is prorated? What does this mean? How is this different from the same salary that is not prorated? I’m confused. Thanks

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

No, the first answer is incorrect. 45,000 should be for the 10 months. But, it’s probably already started, and you’ll be coming in late. You won’t get 45,000 for 9 months of work, you’ll get something like 40,500 for that.

In the simplest why, you get 45,000 for 190 days of work (that’s a common amount), if you start late, and work 180 of those days, they pay you just for the 180 days of works. It’s completely normal and logical.

If you’re worried about the months verses pay, don’t be. The contract will give you a certain amount of days to work and will tell you how you’ll be paid. I get paid all year but work 10 months, and about 300 every two weeks is taken from my check so I can receive it on those two months I have off. It’s all normal and fair.


4 years ago
How To Prorate A Salary

6 years ago
when I started to teach. I was suppose to get paid 40k for that year. since I started mid-year. It seemed they prorated my pay. They not only withheld 420 per month, but they also deducted what would have been atleast 3k but I was barely making 1.5k per month. I never ever saw the money. And they all claimed it was fair. I told my dad about this (big mistake) and he took their side, but spent time spelling out why. But overall, I am done being a teacher. **** DAT ****. you do not get paid what is contracted, and things get a little funny with the money. Never ever ever opt for annual pay, HR person did that on my behalf without my knowledge. I had to get that exempt. Sure you will have months of no paychecks, but here is what you need to do when you opt out of annual pay. Put aside $600 of that paycheck into your savings account. Do not, ever ever ever let your employer manage your money for you. Teachers aren t treated as an adult, and how you handle the money YOU EARNED is the one thing you want to be able to maintain as an ADULT. Otherwise it gets disempowering. Lots of teachers accept this status quo and think it s fine that their pay is withheld. what they don t understand is if they quit mid-year they re not seeing that money ever. So take all money upfront, and know there are two months of no paychecks. So learn to manage your $$$. Learn to put half the check aside every month. Be frugal, and let your $$$ multiply. Then use said saved money as seed money for a business, or career retraining/change. Hell, in fact if you want to teach don t do it in America if you want to teach, use your teaching license and teach at a boarding school in Taiwan. or teach somewhere in Africa or the middle east. even europe. Teachers in America get no respect. Teaching abroad does not mean you cannot cut it here. It just means you want to actually make a f***king living and be treated with some damn dignity and respect.

5 years ago
No, you can’t. You could make millions of their currency, which is probably around 1/40 that of the dollar.

A few days ago
just hanging around
well minus two months from 45,000. 45000/12. you do the rest.