A few days ago

I’m going to teach English to a girl I like…?

Hi, it’s me again, in my last question: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070927165854AAXZd40

I got the girl I like to give me her cellphone number and she agreed on me helping her with English. I plan on teaching her to talk and write properly English. So anywhere I should start? Perhaps how to say most common nouns and verbs? Or how to ask questions? I’m not really a teacher, I’m 15 and so is her, and I use Spanish to communicate with her.

So any tips?

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

hmm…….how bout common verbs and nouns is good….u should also like tell her foods,animals,body parts,numbers, how to like ask questions like where can i get a taxi or somethin. also i think she would like it if u teach her a bit of slang too cause at 15 ur not gonna talk with ur friends in proper english.lmao good luck!