A few days ago

How do you survive a really bad teacher?

Ever since 2nd grade i have had really really bad teachers and each year they all did something different. Like one would keep us in class for 30 minutes after the dismissal bell rang if someone sneezed while she was talking, and another would yell at you so loud that you would cry right in class no matter how tough you were you would cry and another was so strict that if one person coughs the teacher will think hes laughing and the teacher has the whole class get punished! i dont know why they hire these evil teachers but can you give me some advice on how to survive with bad teachers?

Top 8 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

It sounds like these are angry people, not necessarily bad teachers. The best you can do is tell your guidance counselor and encourage your friends to do the same. If the counselor gets too many complaints on a teacher they are required to tell the principal and he/she will handle it. It’s the principal’s job to be sure that the teachers are able to build stable relationships with students. If they are not, he needs to help the teachers become more approachable. If it doesn’t work, the principal will have to ask the teacher to leave since the students are afraid of him/her.

Also, if the counselor ignores your plea, go directly to the prinicpal.


A few days ago
As a student you will come across many types of teachers. The best bet is to do what ever assignments is handed to you and hand them in on time.

Teachers attitudes and personalities are different. Some teachers that are considered bad are sometimes the disciplinarians, and I must admit that they can be over the edge sometimes but they have your best interest at heart.

In order for a teacher to be considered bad they have to be the type that cannot teach the syllabus.

However if you have a problem with your teacher talk to your guidance councilor about it because an uncomfortable student cannot learn well.


A few days ago
You survive by thwarting her main objective..to make you miserable. Hold on to what makes you, you. Do your work, keep your mouth shut, be the little robot she wants you to be. Make sure you don’t smile or laugh..remember, the clock keeps ticking, she can’t stop it. Make your face a perfect blank. Once the day is over, you’ve survived another day. It’d be great if you could transfer, or move, or go to private school, but that isn’t an option for most, but mom and dad might see how unhappy you are. Check into home schooling. There’s advantages-home schooled kids do very well, in fact, better than public schools. The disadvantage is you don’t see your friends during the day–but there’s still the phone and weekends. The school boards hire these evil teachers because they desperately need teachers, and anyone who is certified and doesn’t have a criminal record can get hired. You can’t fire them because the Teacher’s Union is one of the strongest and most vocal unions ever. When you have kids, believe them when they say their teacher is horrible.

A few days ago
I am so sorry you have had such negative experiences with teachers. There are nasty people in every profession…..but education seems to have more than a fair share. I think some teachers get feeling all-knowing and all-powerful and like to exercise control over others. These people give those of us (teachers) who really want to help and teach kids a bad reputation. Unfortunately, it is very difficult to remove poor teachers. If your situation with a teacher becomes unbearable, you may see if your parent(s) will get involved by setting up an appointment with the principal and offending teacher to discuss the situation in a constructive way.

I hope in the future you will find at least one teacher who educates,inspires and motivates you! That’s what we are there to do.


A few days ago
We are only hearing one side of the story, and from your point of view. The first incident occurred when you were in 2nd grade. Let’s face it, things look differently when we are that age. I am not saying that there are no bad teachers, but I highly doubt that you had a ‘bad teacher’ every year since 2nd grade. Did anyone complain to the principal? If you really think that you are being ‘abused’, tell you parents and have them go to the school. In the mean time, just make sure that you are doing what you are supposed to be doing.

A few days ago
If you continually have “bad” teachers, and I have no doubt there are many out there, then just maybe a little self evaluation is necessary because you may be expecting too much and be over sensitive to other’s imperfection…none of us are perfect and facing 35 students a day can be unnerving and they may be off the wall at times but evaluate them, make them feel as important as they should be then look at yourself and see if you are a contributory factor; then, my dear, get on with life and learn as best as you can….soon you will be in university or college then the teachers become amazing…and you will once again enjoy education.

A few days ago
James M
Well, we all went to the Evil Teacher Institute and majored in Yelling and being mean. See, with World War Two ending, the concentration camp job listings got tight and so we all moved into Education. We came from good stock. OUR teachers each had a paddle. They were varied as the arsenel of James Bond. Frat paddles broke tailbones, the fiberglass fishing pole left welts. One kid was beat for reminding the teacher, politely that it was lunch time.

Our PE teacher sat on the stage and counted while we did exercises and ran a mile. I never learned a single game in PE.

ALLLLL my teachers were mean, and yelled, and were demanding and cruel. They held us in the room after the bell rang until we would collectively do something right together. Little did we know they couldn’t wait for the day to be over too.

They threw things at us. They taped our mouths shut and my 4th grade teacher tied us to the chairs with string. Often we were left for such long periods of time, that we’d be in the middle of a crayon fight when the lazy old bat returned, and what happened? Spankings enmasse….like executions.

That was nothing. We had shot day. Yep, go to school and the most evil doctors they could find would come give you shots…like in the army. They’d pick holes in your teeth and call them cavities. They did TB tests, innoculations, dental, and eyes. They even Xrayed you and we just knew we’d all glow in the dark after that.

I’m sure these people went to college, took a low paying, under appreciated job, JUST so they could be MEAN and EVIL to….YOUUUUUUUUU.

These tales are true. All of this really happened In America.

And truly….I loved them. Well, most of them. I learned from them. The racist 5th grade teacher who “caught” the two black boys doing something ” wrong” everyday after lunch, and punished them, opened my eyes to what Martin Luther King was saying then. We all saw the evil. That coach? Man, I hated his worthless, lazy, guts. I’d be straining on the leglifts, in pain, and I’d focus out the window and project myself ahead in time to what I’d be doing in an hour. That little trick has served me well in tough times. He’s still a jerk, but I did survive him. Moreover, and this is serious, he survived me as well.

So learn to function as a group, if the group is graded. Teamwork is an important lesson. Listen carefully and a sneeze won’t matter. Smile. You think these Evil teachers are the only obstacles you’ll encounter in life? Sweetie..it’s why it’s called….”school”!


A few days ago
listen to the lesson that is being taught that day do your work and say nothing unless the teacher tells you to. If you are held after class during that time do your homework.

A few days ago
There are probably some really evil students in your class. Just do the assignments, hand them in on time and don’t disrupt.