A few days ago

Any Art Teacher out there?

I am still in Junior in high school.

I am thinking to be at art teacher in elementary or high school.

which one is better. What do you need to study in college.

How much do you get paid??

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

DONT DO IT KID I love art too so much its my favorite thing but you wont be able to survive on that job my mother was an art teacher and her frined still is they dont respect art teachers no one has respect for artists except other artists. find a career you can survive on and do art on the side you can even teach art on the side trust me my mom is even going back to college as an accountant and wished she never got into art teaching. but belivie me she is one art fanatic you should see our basement you can still do it no matter what πŸ™‚ good luck I hope whatever yuo choose life goes right and you can always love art πŸ™‚

A few days ago
I think you should follow your goal and give it a try. It depends on your preference of younger children or older ones.

In high school, you can involve them more in art contests and show them how to build a portfolio for college/art school, do more complex projects such as ceramics, sculpture, computer generated design etc…

In elementary, they are excited about art and look forward to it.

In Jr. high, you can introduce them to different media and history and technology and continue and specialize the content in high school.

You would need to take many art classes in college as well as basic freshman and sophomore college requirements (history, English literature, algebra) and then you would take the education courses, do observations of different levels of classes in nearby schools, and finally student teach a semester under the guidance of your art ed supervisor and the teacher you will be assigned to.

Being an art teacher has its ups and downs. If you get a teaching job where the administration recognizes that art is a real subject which can contribute profoundly to the growth of young minds, you can have the platform to promote art education and be an advocate for your aspiring young artists.

On the other end of things, you could wind up getting all the students who don’t want to be in another elective and you will have to deal with their issues. The best thing you could give them is your time and make them see themselves as people that are worth the time to be with. Make them see the world through the eyes of an artist.

If you are serious about it, start getting some sort of portfolio together so you can send to area universities and see if you can qualify for an art scholarship to help you pay for your fees and or supplies, because you do need to provide the majority of supplies yourself.

Talk to your art teacher or guidance counselor in school and get some more information, send out for information to your closest college to see what they can send you as far as courses and financial aid.

Here is what the base salary is in texas, most schools pay at least a few thousand dollars above that. It depends if it is a rural school or an urban one. Big city schools pay more of course. If you stick to it, you could have a decent salary.

According to some survey, half of the new teachers quit the profession after 5 years.

The other links are about art education.

I hope this helps……Good luck.


A few days ago
you do an art degree for k-12 Art with a minor in education at most places. or some elementary degrees have a creative arts minor if you think you can handle certification for math and science as backup plans