A few days ago

Interest about reading questions for 1st grade?

I have an assignment to make up an interest/attitude survey for 1st grade about reading. What are some questions that I can ask a first grader to find out what they like to read?

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago
Joe B

Favorite Answer

You could ask, If you could make your favourite TV show into a book, what would it be? Or ask what stories they like to hear; I would think what ever they like to hear would be similiar to what they would like to read. Or make a list of different types of books, like …mystery;space;adventure, have them pick from the list

A few days ago
Betsy Lauren,

I found a couple of interest inventories that might get children talking about what they like and dislike on this page:


You could simply add additional questions about what they like to read. Since most first graders are not yet fluent readers, you might also ask what stories they have enjoyed having parents or teachers read aloud.




A few days ago
1) Ie klummpy tutarri eshmellartex rimd?

(you might want to have a control question, just to see if the first grader can actually read, or if they need to have the survey read to them)

2) What is your favorite book?

(this is a good beginning question because it gives insight into their reading level)

3) Who reads with you?/ Who reads to you?

(this will explain whether they read with an older sibling, parent, friend, or teacher which would help explain what interests them in reading)

4) Is reading fun?

(although this is a very basic question, it tells you about whether they are interested in the survery)

Best of luck to you!
