A few days ago

Homeschooling and Blindness?

Husband and I are both blind and planning on homeschooling our future child(ren). It’s quite some time away, but we’ve been talking and planning. I have a little sight and read print fine with electronic aids. He mainly uses a computer for writing and reading books, but he also knows braille, as do I (though I stick to print mostly). Would it be a good idea to teach our children braille as well as print? I think this would make it more possible for dad to take part in educating them as well as make other things easier as well.. Like leaving notes for/reading notes from the kids as they get older to name one example. What do you think?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

I don’t see how teaching them braille would hurt anything! Not only would it help them communicate with their dad, but it night also help them later in life as a job skill.

And homeschooling –I was homeschooled, and I think it’s a great idea. As long as you are able to read print, I don’t see why you’d have much trouble with it. Good luck!


A few days ago
I’d teach both. It would be like teaching them another language. It would also help them grasp the idea that letters are symbols for sounds. I think the more senses you can incorporate into learning the better their brains receive the info.