A few days ago

hey guys ’bout studies…………………?

hey everyone i am 16 yr old male and in 11th grade . my course includes calculus,full mechanics,full trigonometry,full coordinate geometry,and physical,organic&inorganic chemistry ..and this is not even half the course………i am an indian .can someone tell me that is study pattern the same in us&europe…..i mean the study pressure

Top 1 Answers
A few days ago
Fly On The Wall

Favorite Answer

American students don’t take anything like this. in the 11th grade, they’re getting a second course in algebra or “pre” calculus, they’re still trying to learn the rules of grammar and constructing simple paragraphs in English, and they’re learning how the bicameral legislature works because they have absolutely no idea how laws are passed in this country.

On the other hand, you’re doing all that advanced course work … but are you really LEARNING it? That’s important.