A few days ago

school question and my grades?

okay so i am in the 7th grade but i find 8th grade very easy so i was wondering if i start doing 8th grade work when i switch classes and get high grades will i be able to be skipped?

Top 5 Answers
A few days ago
Paul N

Favorite Answer

It would be very wise of you to start on High-School courses, when I was in middle school I took a spanish class that was credited for high-school, so when I got to high-school I didn’t have to take the spanish class that everyone dreaded.

Try to take as many high-school credit classes as you can. This can help you graduate early which will help you with scholarships for colleges. As for myself I didn’t get to graduate early but my senior year in highschool I only needed two classes to graduate, so I got to sleep in till 10am and leave school at 1pm. Also when your in high-school you can also start taking college classes to finish college early!

Its all a chain effect, if you start early now you will make it easier in the long run. Good luck.


A few days ago
It is good that you are thinking ahead.

Some classes and some schools have more difficult and challenging work than others. Try and find out if that is your situation. There are ways that you can be given more challenging work in your present grade.

Also there is a mater of maturity and whether you are ready to be with boys and girls that are a year or so older than you.

Speak to your teachers and guidance counselor about these concerns. Your parents should also be directly involved.

Good luck.


A few days ago
If you’re only in the 7th grade how would you know if you find the 8th grade easy?

A few days ago
Empress Jan
Definately a question to ask your parents, guidance counselor and teachers. What are your weak subjects, what are your strong subject (everyone has them). Good luck!

A few days ago
Ruth C
ask your school

it’s possible.