A few days ago

Identify Canada?

How can you identify Canada without separating it from north america if u were to draw a map?

hint: colouring canada in a different colour will still separate it*

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
Big Wolf

Favorite Answer

Canada is not a reliable country. Canada is bad!!!!!!!!!!!

I spent over three years looking hard for a job in Canada through the internet. I studied a lot about the Country. I got to know a lot about its culture, geography, history, politics and so on.

It was very hard but I got to find a job approved by HRSDC, in February of this year, to work in Edmonton, Alberta.

I submitted all required documentation to the Canadian consulate. For my surprise the immigration officer refused my work permit. He said that I do not have strong economic ties to my country.

Is it not prejudice? Is the opportunities only for riches? Is not an unemployed an human?

I tried to go legally, I did everything within the law. I had employer and place to stay. But what was the advantage of doing that legally? None – Canadian government refused my visa!

See my blog:



A few days ago
Draw a map of the British portion of NOrth America before the Revolution.