A few days ago

am I over-reacting?

15 yo old attractive daughter, talented writer, gifted artist, refuses to return to school after 2 trimesters of 9th grade. my ex has primary custody so theres little I can do. to her credit, my ex has her seeing a psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist, and the school counselor, weekly. school says they don’t want to lose a straight A student, but are enabling her to not go. the school counselor offers her all sorts of programs available in our district for students like her, psychiatrist says she has to get better first and put her on prozac , the psychologist dx’d her as an avoidant personality and talk to her about confronting life head on. she has experieced 4 deaths – two of them unexpected and the suicide death of one of her friends. she heard the shot, and called 911. she eats just enough to keep her weight stable (ok), but knows she’ll never have to work because my ex and I have been lucky. she c/o scary hallucinations about death.what can I do? she says she’ll not go.

Top 3 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

No way are you over reacting. No matter how bad, she legally has to be at school unless she is institutionalized. Which quite honestly you may want to look into. If she is not in school and the school has not okay-ed it the school can call family services for educational neglect.

A few days ago
Teja babe
Part of growing up is learning to move forward. You need to demand her education is important, “lucky or not” She will need her own accomplishments that she can be proud of and her education is part of this. You can take care of her forever, but you can for the next 3 yrs, maybe you should commit her if she can’t pull herself together. tough love

A few days ago
f1 car
her mental heath is important….

school comes second place.

she needs time to get over her nightmare.

you should be by her side OFTEN.

give her loads of attention and care.

she needs it.

dont let her watch violent programs on tv and read violent stories.

try your best not to let anyone mention about the unfortunate events in front of her.

lastly, pray to god for her health.

i hope your daughter gets better soon. good luck.