A few days ago

I want to get my high school diploma online?

I have just finished 10th grade in high school and have 14 credits,Can i only take the courses that I need?

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

You need the same credits everybody else needs to graduate. You can’t just take the ones you want and skip others.

A few days ago
Correspondence schools are set up differently than traditional schools.

If you are in 11th grade, that’s what you start with in the correspondence school.

Make sure you go with an accredited school as well. Some are very pricey and then after you’ve paid the money and taken the course, you could find out they are not accredited, which means you just alot of money and time.

Check for local community colleges that offer a high school course online. Those are usually better and it may also allow you to take some college courses along with the high school stuff to get a jump start on your college education.