A few days ago

Freshman in High School?

Starting in the fall, anyone have some advice?

Top 7 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

1. Don’t turn sharp corners. Make it wide, my friend.

2. Don’t talk about any upper-classmen behind their backs. (do it somewhere else πŸ™‚

3. Act mature even if you don’t think that you are.

4. Treat the girls with respect. (or the guys, if you’re a girl, that is)

5. Ask teachers when you need help or have a question. Most of them actually care. (at least at my school)

6. Don’t compare yourself to a senior, especially not out loud.

7. Keep your old friends, even when you find new ones. (in high school you can be friends with lots of people)

8. Explore. Don’t just take boring classes. High school should be about trying new stuff, even if you’re unsure if you’ll like it.

9. Sleep. Don’t take on too many things. You have to have some time to sleep in high school.

10. Don’t sink into the woodwork. Just because you’re a freshman doesn’t mean that you don’t have cool ideas. Don’t be afraid of high school.


A few days ago
don’t be afraid! I was a little nervous too last year, but it’s not bad. just don’t stress out about stuff. it’s gonna sound really cliche but just BE YOURSELF! πŸ™‚ you’ll get to meet a lot of new people and sometimes get to know upperclassmen as well. don’t try to act cool, seriously because people see right through it, just be real. people will probably change in hs some bc people are growing up and coming into their own, and it sucks at times but it can also be a good thing.. πŸ™‚ so don’t stress about it. also STAY ON TOP OF YOUR SCHOOLWORK! from experience believe me I spent too much time last year messing aroudn in class and talking and stuff so I wouldn’t pay attention at the begining of the year, and that put me in a hole and caused me to get behind.. just pay attention in class and get your stuff done.. also, try to get involved in some stuff if you can, like a sport or something. helps you broaden your horizons lol uhh yeah so really i guess just don’t worry about it too much. just seriously be yourself and it works out. πŸ™‚ have a good year! πŸ™‚

A few days ago
maria k
a lot of people are scared going into high school but dont even worry about it. just dont act like youre better like the upperclassmen and you will have an amazing time in high school! just remember it goes by quick so enjoy it!

A few days ago
taylor b
yes….when u get to the high school u are usually nervous and stuff like that but dont be because the ninth grade was the BEST time of my life and im sorry now that i wasted all of my time worrying about it.

A few days ago
W E E N i E
well..the only advice i would give you is to do your best! this is the year in which you have to do GOOD from start to finish..dont mess up..dont ditch..go to school everyday! it counts!

dont be scared out there! everyone is scared their first day of highschool! just remember…that you’re not the only one who is scared..there are probably..other kids who are nervous more than you are! its normal! you’ll get it over it πŸ™‚ soo wish you the best! have fun! and good luck!


A few days ago
me too! I’m a little nervous. Hey, what school? Maybe we will be in the same class! lol, (fat chance) but anyways if you are going to Mowat let me know!!!!

and thats to Tayler B that is a nice thing to say


A few days ago
prepare to be picked on