A few days ago

I want tips for study ..i?

i am average student.i want study well.iam in 10th now.what i do..help me..ttips for studys

Top 2 Answers
A few days ago
stump the bump

Favorite Answer

I got my best grades when I did my homework as soon as I got home and did not play or watch TV until it was all finished and ready for next day. On longer assignments I started right in and worked a couple hours a day making sure to have it done a few days in advance. One class, math, I just never caught on what it was about or how to solve hardly any of the equations. In this case in retrospect I needed to insist on a tutor. I got a poor grade in that class.

A few days ago
Here are some tips:

It is good that you realize that you need help in concentration and in study techniques.

Here are a few suggestions.

1. Have all of your materials ready and in the place that you are going to study.

3. Study when its quiet. No music, no TV, No headphones, no nothing.

4. Do your most difficult subject fist or else you may never get to it.

5. Keep a calendar so that you know when a project is due or a test is going to be given.

6. Vocabulary is very important. Words have different meanings. You need to know the meaning for the subject that you are taking.

7. Study the relationship of things. How is the topic that you studied related to the unit that you are studying?

8. Your textbook has hints for you. Many books have important words or phrases in darkened or colored type, make sure that you know them thoroughly.

The sites below are excellent and will give you many other ideas about studying.







