A few days ago

How to make the best of my high school experience?

What are your suggestions for making my high school years a good experience? I have missed half of each my 8th and 9th grade years (because I’ve had 6 different surgeries due to a chronic pain condition which was caused by the first surgery that my body reacted badly to, which I am doing better now), and now tha they changed all of the boundaries for the high schools all of my friends are going to another high school. This will be my first year in high school (since your 9th grade year is done in junior high), and I’m really nervous. I’m really shy, and typically not out going with people whom I do not know. Any good suggestions?

Top 9 Answers
A few days ago
Terry D

Favorite Answer

Hi –

As with everything in life, whether school or work, always be yourself. Welcome each morning with a positive attitude and know that it is going to be a great day! Smile and be friendly to everyone you meet. Join any clubs and organizations available to you (in school and out), as well as any sports as long as they do not interfere with your studies. Remember; to have friends you must be a friend.

Don’t worry about being nervous, everyone always is. Just a smile and eye contact and if you dare a simple hi. Walk with confidence and be a leader. Don’t worry about the kids that don’t respond to you, eventually everyone wants to be around those that are happy and they will seek you.

You will do great! Enjoy your High School Years!! And keep us posted. 🙂



A few days ago
Thanks for answering my question! I’m going into high school (sophomore too) this year too! I’m sry about your surgeries! But from what people have told me, you should do these things:

1. Join clubs or sports teams. That way you meet ppl like you, who like to do stuff you do.

2. Try to make lots of new friends. Don’t worry, I’m super shy too. But all you really have to do is just say hi to the person you’re sitting next to in each class and see if they’re nice. If they are, ask if you can eat lunch with them if they have the same lunch so you won’t stress about that.

3. Don’t party too much, do drugs, drink, smoke, etc. DUH! I’m sure you know that, but I’ve heard that at least at my high school, all that is a much bigger problem than in junior high. So basically, don’t cave into negative peer pressure.

4. Obviously, study and do all you homework! Don’t skip a night of homework unless it’s an emergency. And study for all you tests, big or small, cuz all points count.

5. Stay organized. Use a planner. That’s helped me so much all throughout junior high. Clean out your binder(s) at least once every other week or so.

Hope these help! Good luck in high school!


A few days ago
Try to make friends with one person that seems to be in your same situation – new at the school and not already in a huge group of friends – also join some clubs that you are interested in – be friendly, but do remember that many people will be rude to you just because you are a freshman (it has nothing to do with you as a person, so don’t take it too hard)!

Good luck – I’m sure you’ll be fine…just be brave!


A few days ago
Join as many clubs and societies as you can. Community work and student associations are great way of having fun.

But remember, grades are very very important. Don’t compromise on your grades for the sake of “making the most of high school”.

You will be having different types of fun, but play safe, always.


A few days ago
Be friendly to everyone and big smiles all the time. They won’t know what you’re up to and everyone loves a person who smiles. I had a great time playing football, swimming and tennis. Try out for sports if you’re physically able.

Good Luck!


A few days ago
Join different clubs …example yearbook. The more things you join the more people you will meet. Just have fun and relax a bit…its really not that bad.

A few days ago
Well be open to new thing plenty of clubs to join and events to go to..put your self out there….The more things you do the more people you meet

A few days ago
yeah join some clubs that sound like fun to you, and be as friendly as you can-but im not saying youre not lol. im shy and not outgoing

A few days ago
Sheila M
If you live in an area with magnet schools, or allows students to petition for the school of choice, pick the best high school around.