A few days ago

how can i have the best school year ever!!!?

PLz ansure give me some tips plz

Top 8 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

First, don’t listen to people like James.

Go to prom.

Go to all your football games.

Engage yourself in all your class activities; get involved!

Do lots of things with friends, be with them the most.

Don’t worry about a bf/gf, it doesn’t matter.

Just be happy all the time.

Don’t let the little stuff get to you.



A few days ago
Determine to give your very best toward studying and making good grades, so later you won’t wish you had.

Be sure to eat balanced and rest enough (not too many late nights) so you’ll feel okay physically and have all your energy and be able to maintain your sweet disposition.

Be nice to the new kids, and the kids younger than you, they’ll appreciate you for it and you’ll be helping your little corner of the world.

Let your conscience be your guide when there are conflicts, and stick to your convictions.

Don’t cut.

Turn stuff into the Lost and Found when you find things.

Offer to help when you can.

Remember that boys have their own special type of crazy, and don’t lose your mind dealing with them.



A few days ago
Think about all of the positive things schools has to offer and not the negatives. Get involved in clubs and sports. You’ll make all sorts of friends. Don’t worry about what people think about you and if you like something don’t be afraid to say you do. Try to get along with everyone and give everyone a chance to know you. I hope you school year goes well :].

A few days ago
Dont get too involved in popularity AVOID DRAMA(depending on your grade 1-8 are usually too involved w/ popularity.)Try to make new friends be outgoing. Trust me getting straight A’s in school on your report card is the best feeling ever especially if your parents give you money for great grades. Hope this helps.

A few days ago
dustin f
Make friends and hang around the sports guys

A few days ago
welll it dpends on what u cosider fun but i would say make lots of friends by being really nice….have lots of frun by making lots of friends and doing stuff you consider fun and do real good in school get your teachers to like you and enjoy yourself to the extreme

A few days ago
Join alot of groups…

and get involved in everything


A few days ago
Be you and happy.