A few days ago

Homework Assignment- Example of an ethical dilemma?

I have a paper due today in my class, we have to write a paper on an ethical dilemma in the classroom. Any ideas?

Top 4 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

Yes, here’s one. Having waited until the day the assignment is due do you cheat and have someone on YA do your paper or do you do the best you can with the little time you have left and get a bad grade.

A few days ago
A cop catches a guy stealing some food. He knows for a fact the guy has a family to feed and is down on his luck but theft is theft and the cop has a duty to arrest the guy. If he does that, the family will certainly starve. Sworn duty on the one hand, moral compassion on the other.

4 years ago
first — you need to use a mediator. they are generally efficient. 2nd — i think of we are all thinking the respond to that one. 0.33– call social amenities, they generally use a supportive attitude in determining family members themes. fourth — nutrition economic company 5th — recycling 6th — prayer ( it quite is likewise the respond for all the above) I do my ultimate to do what i’ve got self belief is optimal for myself and my family members. My gut instinct is generally particularly precise as i’ve got self belief God leads me in this manner. If somebody sees a conflict and that i do no longer, I go away it on my own after asserting the information. Why argue? do no longer all of us attempt difficult to stay a good existence? i think of maximum folk do. No actual think approximately arguing. as long as my family members is secure and nobod yios getting harm, it quite does not count. What a theory frightening question

A few days ago
There are lots of answers to your question on this website:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethics