A few days ago


I am a sophomore but i couldn’t do some subjects last year because i came to this school late. Also, my french class seems a little tough for me and i feel as if i am the only one who feels this way. what should i do? a teacher or college students help might be helpful…. please.

Top 10 Answers
A few days ago

Favorite Answer

It sound like you need some tutorial help, go to the counselor and see if student tutors are available for the subjects you need or check with your teachers for extra help.

Also programs live Sylvan Learning Center help a lot of kids, but they do cost.

See that counselor first.

I wish you the best!


A few days ago
I am guessing you are sophmore in high school… so… Get a tutor… go to the guidance councelor at your school and tell them that you need help with your schedule. Since it is only September I am assuming that you just started the year… and French can be challanging. Talk to the teacher.. and see if they can help you or set you up with one of the students that are doing well to practice together.

good luck… It will be ok… just take one step at a time and don’t be afraid to ask for help.


A few days ago
it’s easy to feel overwhelmed especially when studying a new languange. remember to give it to time and u are starting from square 1 like everyone else in ur class. u will eventually at the end of the semester know most french words and be able to speak in small phrases and sentences and know a little about the culture.

seriously u are not the only one who has doubts about learning a new languange. trust me, give it some time. it will click.

and if u must get help outside the class because its not clicking in the class u have French for Dummies and other tutorials u can apply outside the classroom.

but seriously u don’t need it. just go at class speed and u will be fine.



A few days ago
For many learning a second language is hard. Keep at it though quiting never solved anything. Anyone who speaks French can help you not just college kids. Here is a good practice tip. Pick 4 or 5 words out in french. When you are watching TV or a movie look for those words in the movie or show.

A few days ago
I think your best bet would be to talk to your parents about hiring a tutor for you for the subjects that you missed. For french, ask your teacher if he/she can give you some extra practice work. There are online French tutorials but most cost money I think. If you are willing to spend money, I would get that Rosetta Stone program. It’s supposed to be really good. Good luck!

A few days ago
Holly C
Maybe you should a french tape/cd from your local library and study at home. Never hurts to do extra work sometimes. Or if it is way to hard change to a easier class.

You could do homework with another student and catch up and learn a few things from the other student/friend.


A few days ago
Look for tutors, they can be real helpful. Or think about maybe dropping some of your classes, to make up those classes you might have to take some summer classes but in the end it will help your gpa, and your stress level.

A few days ago
It will be best to tell this to your teachers of your tutor.

Sounds to me like you would benefit by being put back a year or starting the term again to achieve the best possible results.

By re-doing the year it will put you more or less top of the class and put you in a much better position when facing the exams.


A few days ago
G’day. Try the net. My daughter had a problem catching up with math and I found her a good tutoring program for only $70.!

Use key words like “French Tutor”, etc.

Hope you catch up



A few days ago
Trust this: You’re not the only one struggling in a French class, or Spanish class for that matter. Make a friend to study with.